C-class functions on some fixed point results in ordered partial metric spaces via admissible mappings

Ansari, Arslan Hojat • Došenović, Tatjana • Radenović, Stojan • Saleem, Naeem • Šešum-Čavić, Vesna • Vujaković, Jelena


In this paper, we generalized the results presented in the paper W. Long, S. Khaleghizadeh, P. Salimi, S. Radenović and S. Shukla, Some new fixed point results in partially ordered metric spaces via admissible mappings, Fixed Point Theory Appl. (2014), 2014:117, in the framework of partial metric spaces by using C−class function in ordered structure. Also, we provide an example to support our theoretical results and shows that obtained results are potential generalization of the already existing results in literature.
