Domestic material made by calcification of modified UF resins with incorporated Fe-particles-a sensitive platform for electroanalytical quantification of gallic acid.

Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Laban, Bojana • Veljović, Djordje • Stanković, Dalibor


In this work, we present domestic high performance electrode material prepared by thermolysis of in situ synthesized urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins modified with Fe(III) nitrate. For comparison, material produced by thermolysis of physical mixture of synthesized UF resins and Fe(lll) salt was also prepared, and produced materials were electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry. The obtained results have shown that in situ synthesized Fe modified UF material (SynFe/UF-TP) prepared by thermolysis, incorporated in carbon paste electrode (CPE), possesses a better electrochemical response and conductivity than the other materials prepared by thermolysis and obtained 'by physical mixing of UF and Fe salt, and also commercially available classy carbon powder in pure CPE. The morphological and structural characteristics lof produced materials were determined by SEM analysis. Then, SynFe/UF- • TP incorporated in CPE was applied in sensing of gallic acid (GA), one of the ·most biologically active phenolic compounds of plant origin. Square wave voltarnmetry in Britton-Robinson buffer at pH 4 was used to quantify GAin the concentration range of 0.5-100 ~M of GA. The limit of detection of developed analytical procedure at proposed electrode was 0.25 ~M.


