Hybridization of accelerated gradient descent method

Petrović, Milena • Rakočević, Vladimir • Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan • Ilić, Dejan


We present a gradient descent algorithm with a line search procedure for solving unconstrained optimization problems which is defined as a result of applying Picard-Mann hybrid iterative process on accelerated gradient descent S M method described in Stanimirović and Miladinović (Numer. Algor. 54, 503–520, 2010). Using merged features of both analyzed models, we show that new accelerated gradient descent model converges linearly and faster then the starting S M method which is confirmed trough displayed numerical test results. Three main properties are tested: number of iterations, CPU time and number of function evaluations. The efficiency of the proposed iteration is examined for the several values of the correction parameter introduced in Khan (2013).
