Rezultati pretrage: M51

Computing support for testing equal values of the figurative numbers in the Pascal triangle

Mihajlov Carević, Miroslava • Ilić, Miloš • Petrović, Milena • Denić, Nebojša

In this paper we deal with a method for the determination of numbers in a Pascal triangle that are simultaneously triangular, tetrahedral and pentaedroidni. The collected results, obtained by mathematical analysis, were verified by computer. For this purpose, we used the C# programming language as well as the computer laboratory within our University in order to test the results. The results collected by computer confirmed the accuracy of the results obtained by mathematical analysis.

Computing Support in Statistical Evaluation of Mathematics Teaching Effectiveness: Development of Students’ Constructive Thinking

Mihajlov Carević, Miroslava • Petrović, Milena • Denić, Nebojša • Mitrović, Aleksandra

One of the main tasks in teaching mathematics is to develop students’ constructive thinking. In order to effectively accomplish this task, it is necessary to make a good selection of instructional materials and teaching aids. In order to make good selection and improve the teaching of mathematics, it is, also, necessary to include a statistical analysis of the certain factors’ impact that affect mathematics curriculum. For the purpose of this research, we used the software computational approach ...

Savremene tehnologije i vizuelno-logički pristup u nastavi matematike

Mihajlov Carević, Miroslava • Petrović, Milena • Denić, Nebojša

Poslednjih godina je uočljiva povećana primena informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija i matematičkog softvera u nastavi matematike. Mnogobrojna istraživanja efikasnosti matematičkog učenja su pokazala opravdanost i korisnost implementacije novih nastavnih sredstava. Takođe su pokazala da učenje uz obrazovni softver ima veliki uticaj na postignuće učenika u ukupnom sticanju matematičkog znanja tokom nastavne godine kao i na završnom ispitu na kraju osnovnog obrazovanja. Nastava realizovana prime ...

Some remarks on TAC-contractive mappings in b-metric spaces

Mitrović D., Zoran • Radenović, Stojan • Vetro, Francesca • Vujaković, Jelena

In this paper we complement and improve fixed point results established on TAC-contractive mappings in the framework of b-metric spaces. Our analysis starts by a recent paper of Babu and Dula [G. V. R. Babu and T. M. Dula, Fixed points of generalized TAC-contractive mappings in b-metric spaces, Matematiˇcki Vesnik 69 (2017), no. 2, 75–88].