Rezultati pretrage: M53

Comparative performance analysis of some accelerated and hybrid accelerated gradient models

Petrović, Milena • Ivanović, Milica • Đorđević, Marijana

We analyze a performance profile of several accelerated and hybrid accelerated methods. All comparative methods are at least linearly convergent and have satisfied numerical characteristics regarding tested metrics: number of iterations, CPU time and number of function evaluations. Among the chosen set of methods we numerically show which one is the most efficient and the most effective. Therewith, we derived a conclusion about what type of method is more preferable to use considering analyz ...

On some F−contraction of Piri-Kumam-Dung type mappings in metric spaces

Vujaković, Jelena • Radenović, Stojan

This paper establishes some new results of Piri–Kumam–Dung-type mappings in a complete metric space.Тhe goal was to improve the already published results. Methods: Using the property of a strictly increasing function as well as the known Lemma formulated in (Radenović et al, 2017), the authors have proved that a Picard sequence is a Cauchy sequence


Najdanović, Marija • Maksimović, Miroslav • Velimirović, Ljubica

Infinitesimal bending of curves lying with a given precision on ruled surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean space is studied. In particular, the bending of curves on the cylinder, the hyperbolic paraboloid and the helicoid are considered and appropriate bending fields are found. Some examples are graphically presented.

Analysis of geodesics on different surfaces

Maksimović, Miroslav • Jovanović, Tanja • Ljajko, Eugen • Ivanović, Milica

It is widely known that some surfaces contain special curves as a geodesics, while a lots of geodesics on surface have complicated shapes. Goal of this research is to find on what surfaces are u- and v- parameter curves geodesics. Developable surfaces that contain a given plane curve as a geodesic are studied in the article, whereas the plane curve is also an initial u-parameter curve on that surface. Parametric equations of the minimal surfaces that contain an epicycloid as a geodesic are also g ...