Rezultati pretrage: Konferencijski prilog

Edukacija u korak sa savremenim istraživanjima radona

Gulan, Ljiljana • Vučković, Biljana • Kevkić, Tijana • Drljača, Branko

Sistematska merenja koncentracije radona se najčešće izvode na slučajnim uzorcima stambenih objekata. Međutim, škole se mogu pokazati kao pogodniji izbor, jer su uniformno raspoređene po celoj teritoriji područja ili naselja, na način da se njihova prostorna raspodela može dovesti u vezu sa gustinom naseljenosti, tako da manji broj merenja može dati relevantne podatke. U cilju kontorole i zaštite dece i odraslih sprovedena istraživanja izlaganja populacije radonu u školama u većini evropskih zem ...

Raspodela ambijentalnog doznog ekvivalenta gama zračenja u ruralnim sredinama

Vučković, Biljana • Gulan, Ljiljana • Kevkić, Tijana • Živković Radovanović, Jelena

Prirodno pozadinsko zračenje koje se registuje u normalnim uslovima potiče od kosmičkog zračenjai prirodnih radionuklida, a zavisi od geologije tla i nadmorske visine mernog mesta, pa je karakteristično za neki prostor. Ono što definiše jačinu zračenja je vrednost ambijentalnog doznog ekvivalenta gama zračenja. Rezultati predstavljeni u ovom radu jedna su od eksperimentalnih vežbi u okviru predmeta Dozimetrija i zaštita od zračenja na odseku za fiziku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta. Istraživanj ...

Security and Standardization at E-learning platforms

Zlatković, Dragan • Denić, Nebojša • Ilić, Miloš • Petrović, Milena

The process of developing e-learning is based on standards in the field of information security (ISO) and learning technologies (IEEE, IMS), and criteria for quality assurance have been taken as input parameters. The overall development was carried out through the PDCA cycle and with upgraded LTSA architecture.

Analiza uticaja različitih građevinskih materijala na nivo radona u kućama starije gradnje

Gulan, Ljiljana • Ivanović, Đorđe • Vučković, Biljana

Грађевински материјали (гранит, песак, шљунак, камен, и др.) садрже природне радионуклиде пореклом из земље. Да би анализирали утицај грађевинских материјала на концентрацију радона у објектима старије градње, спроведено је истраживање у седам специфичних кућа на простору северног дела Косова и Метохије. Изабране су породичне куће са подрумом, старости од 30-120 година, изграђене од различитих грађевинских материјала. Детектори радона Airthings Corentium Home, засновани на алфа спектрометријском ...

Dominating sets on the rhomboidal cactus chains andthe icosahedral network

Mihajlov Carević, Miroslava • Petrović, Milena • Nebojša, Denić

In this paper, we deal with the dominating set and the domination number of rhomboidal cactus chains. We determine minimum dominating sets and domination numbers of two special types of rhomboidal cactus chains, meta and ortho-chains. Thereafter, we determined the minimum dominating set for the icosahedral hexagonal network. Keywords: dominating set; rhomboidal cactus chains; icosahedral hexagonal network.


Zlatković, Dragan • Denić, Nebojša • Petrović, Milena • Ilić, Dejan

Ово је концептуални рад на проучавању употребе електронских уџбеника (е-уџбеник) као алата за е-учење. Истраживачки рад разматра литературу о основним концептима е- уџбеника. У раду се разматрају и анализирају ранија истраживања и студије о е-уџбенику и његовој употреби у образовању, посебно у процесу наставе и е-учења. Налази укључују вишеструке дефиниције е-уџбеника, ограничења и предности које се чине најутицајнијим у његовој употреби у процесу е-учења и да ли су се перцепције корисн ...

E-Learning in Higher Education – An Overview of Strategic Planning

Zlatković, Dragan • Denić, Nebojša • Petrović, Milena

Implementation of E-Learning is one of the ways of applying modern information technologies to achieve a high quality of higher education. The transition of higher education institutions towards E-Learning should be an integral part of strategic planning that seeks to change and improve the work of universities. This paper explains the importance of systematic implementation of E-Learning in higher education institutions. The article analyzes internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as exter ...


Zlatković, Dragan • Denić, Nebojša • Petrović, Milena • Ilić, Miloš

U nastavi studenata na visokoškolskim ustanovama i studijskim programima elektronsko učenje ima značajnu ulogu. Cilj ovog istraživanja koje je sprovedeno na Alfa BK Univerzitetu u Beogradu je istražiti odnos između elektronskog učenja i unutrašnje motivacije studenata. Sveobuhvatno, rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrdili su da je elektronsko učenje bitan elemenat koji utiče na motivaciju studenata. U metodološkom okviru istraživanja – kao instrument istraživanja, upitnik je primenjen za prik ...

Green synthesis of L-Methionine capped silver and gold nanoparticles

Sejdinović, Dijana • Laban, Bojana • Marković, Mirjana • Ralević, Uroš • Badnjević, Almir • Omanović Miklićanin, Enisa • Jokić, Anja • Vasić, Vesna

In this work, we present a simple green method for Ag and Au nanoparticles (NPs) synthesis in an aqueous medium. Ag and Au NPs were synthesized by chemical reduction method, using amino acid L-Methionine as reducing as well as a stabilizing agent. The size of Ag and Au NPs was controlled by changing the pH values of the reaction mixture. They were characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, and measurement of electrophoretic properties. The size of NPs was determined by atomic force ...

Synthesis and characterization of quercetin-conjugated gold nanoparticles

Momić, Tatjana • Lazarević-Pašti, Tamara • Laban, Bojana • Marković, Mirjana • Vasić, Vesna

Gold nanoparticles and quercetin-conjugated gold nanoparticles complex were synthesized using trisodium citrate as reducing agent. Both kinds of nanoparticles were characterized using spectrophotometry, dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements. Comparison of the results confirmed successful synthesis of quercetin-conjugated gold nanoparticles complex.

Adsorpcija boje indocijanin zeleno na površini nanocestica srebra i zlata

Laban, Bojana • Vujačić Nikezić, Ana

U poslednje vreme intenzivno se ispituju nanočestice metala za primenu u medicini kao nosači lekova i drugih biološki važnih molekula, koji bi poboljšali stabilnost leka i terapeutsku efikasnost. U ovom radu je ispitana adsorpcija fluorescentne boje indocijanin zeleno (ICG) na površini nanočestica srebra i zlata. Nanočestice srebra i zlata dobijene su zelenom sintezom u prisustvu aminokiseline L-metionina kao redukcionog i stabilizacionog sredstva. Dobijene su nanočestice sfernog oblika, negativ ...

An Overview of Novel Methods for ASEP Performance Evaluation Based on Q-Function Approximation

Marković, Aleksandar • Perić, Zoran • Panić, Stefan

The closed-form expression for Q-function does not exist so it is necessary to develop its approximation in order to overcome the difficulties that might appear in diverse research areas. In this paper the authors are presenting overview of two improved models for Q-function approximation with wide applicability. The first one is based on Karagiannidis and Mils model and the second one is based on Borjesson model to obtain the desired improved form of Qfunction approximation.

Optimization study of the azamethiphos degradation using chlorine dioxide

Pergal, Marija • Kuč, Dragana • Kodranov, Igor • Pergal, Miodrag • Stanković, Dalibor • Petković, Branka • Manojlović, Dragan

In the present study, the degradation of azamethiphos using chlorine dioxide was studied. The optimization of the azamethiphos degradation in terms of chloriпe dioxide dosage, different time of degradation and at different рН values, was performed in system with deionized water. The degradation was monitored using high performance liquid chromatography (НPLC-DAD) analysis. It was found that complete degradation was achieved with optimal concentration of 5 mg/dm3 chlorine dioxide at concentration ...

Quantification of organophosphorus pesticide azamethiphos using electroanalytical approach

Vukojević, Vesna • Đurđić, Slađana • Jevtić, Sonja • Pergal, Marija • Petković, Branka • Stanković, Dalibor

In this work, for the first time, we proposed electrochemical behavior and development of analytical procedure for quantification of pesticide azamethiphos, using boron doped diamond (BDD) electrode. It was found that azamethiphos electrochemical behavior is irreversible oxidation at potential of around 1.70 V, in 1 M nitric acid. Square wave voltammetric technique was most appropriate for azamethiphos quantification. Under optimized experimental conditions linear working range from 2 to 1ОО μ ...

Knot Bending

Najdanović, Marija • Velimirović, Ljubica • Rančić, Svetozar

In this paper we point out the geometric aspect of knots. By the term knot we mean a closed self-avoiding curve in a 3-dimensional Euclidean space. We consider infinitesimal bending of knots and examine the behavior of torus knots under this type of deformation.

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Characterization and Application

Laban, Bojana • Milenković, Mila • Petković, Branka

In this work, we present a review of the simple synthesis of iron(III)-oxide nanoparticles (Fe2O3 NPs), their characterization and potential application as nanosorbents and voltammetric sensors. Fe2O3 NPs were obtained from Fe2+ and Fe3+ salts by the solid-state method and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The morphology and average size of Fe ...

Morfološka i elektrohemijska karakterizacija nanočestica srebra i gvožđe-oksida namenjenih za elektroanalizu

Pantović, Tijana • Jovanović, Filip • Petković, Branka • Laban, Bojana

Nanočestice metala i oksida metala (NPs) privlače pažnju mnogih istraživača zbog svojih jedinstvenih optičkih i električnih svojstva. Ove nanočestice nalaze primenu u biologiji, medicini, kao i u elektronici, za izradu senzora. U ovom radu sintetisane su nanočestice srebra (Ag NPs) i gvožđe(III)-oksida (Fe2O3 NPs), jednostavnom „solid-state“ metodom iz čvrstog stanja uz prisustvo različitih soli kao stabilizatora. Sintetisane su Ag i Fe2O3 NPs uz trinatrijum citrat kao stabilizator, kao i Fe2O3 ...

First study of electrochemical behavior of herbicide pethoxamid and its voltammetric determination in river water

Jevtić, Sonja • Vukojević, Vesna • Đurdjić, Slađana • Pergal, Marija • Manojlović, Dragan • Petković, Branka • Stanković, Dalibor

Pethoxamid (РОА) is relatively new herbicide and it belongs to group of chloroacetamides. lt inhibits the germination of target weeds in com, soybeans, peas and beans, tobacco and other crops and it can affects on herbicide-resistant weeds. There are no many research records about this, in the future quite applicable, herbicide. Bearing in mind that pethoxamid is high soluble in water, with almost no sorption in soils [1], the leaching and runoff of this compound in ground and surfac ...

The influence of different doses of γ-radiation on the hydrolytic stability of modified urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins

Jovanović, Vojislav • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jevtić, Sonja • Petković, Branka • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

Zbog emisije formaldehida (СН2О) iz drvenih proizvoda, gde se urea- formaldehidne (UF) smole, izmedu ostalog, koriste za impregnaciju drvenih panela koje se koriste u unutrasnjosti stambenih i drugih objekata pozeljno је da procenat slobodnog formaldehida (СН2О) u samoj smoli bude sto manji, jer је poznato da formaldehid ima stetno dejstvo na coveka, odnosno сео zivi svet. Pare formaldehida jako nadrazuju disajne puteve. Koncentracije od 10-20 ppm otezavaju disanje, а konc ...

Sinteza praha nanočestica srebra

Laban, Bojana • Veljović, Đorđe • Petković, Branka • Jokić, Anja

Nanočestice plemenitih metala (NPs) od velikog su interesa zbog svojih izvanrednih optičkih, hemijskih i fizičkih svojstava1. Nanočestice srebra (Ag NPs) privukle su posebnu pažnju zbog njihove primene u različitim oblastima. Ag NPs čestice najčešće se dobijaju redukcijom jona Ag+ u vodenim rastvorima. Međutim, koloidne disprezije su stabilne samo pri niskim koncentracijama metala i teško je dobiti prah NPs iz njihovih disperzija. U literaturi je objavljena sinteza praha Ag NPs primenom skroba m ...

Dinuklearni kompleksi srebra(I) sa N,N',N'',N'''-tetrakis(2-piridilmetil)-1,4,8,11-tetraazaciklotetradekanom: sinteza, karakterizacija i biološka aktivnost

Savić, Nada • Glišić, Biljana • Petković, Branka • Wadepohl, Hubert • Vojnović, Sandra • Nikodinović-Runić, Jasmina • Djuran, Miloš

U ovom radu, N,N',N'',N'''-tetrakis(2-piridilmetil)-1,4,8,11-tetraazaciklotetradekan (tpmc) kao makrociklicni ligand sa 2-piridilmetil grupama je korišćen za sintezu kompleksa srebra(I). Različite AgX soli (X = CF3SO3-, CF3COO- i BF4-) su korišćene za sintezu u cilju ispitivanja uticaja kontra-anjona na nuklearnost, stabilnost i biološku aktivnost kompleksa. Sintetisani kompleksi srebra(I) su okarakterisani primenom različitih spektroskopskih metoda, ciklične voltametrije i rendgenske strukturne ...

Nano-Fe2O3 particles as voltammetric signal amplifiers in sensing of heavy metals and pesticides

Milenković, Mila • Jevtić, Sonja • Laban, Bojana • Petković, Branka • Jokić, Anja

Nanočestice na bazi oksida gvožđa (NPs) su privukle veliku pažnju imajući u vidu njihove fizičke, posebno magnetne, i hemijske osobine. U ovom istraživanju su nanočestice gvožđe(III)-oksida (Fe2O3 NPs) sintetisane jednostavnim hemijskim metodom u čvstom stanju iz dve različite soli, FeSO4 . 7H2O i FeCl3 . H2O, u molskom udelu (1 : 2,5). Veličina NPs od 3 nm i njihov sferni oblik su određeni TEM merenjima. Dobijene NPs su dispergovane u vodi i monodisperzni koloid je okarakterisan UV-Vis i FTIR s ...

Thermolysis prepared Co3O4 carbon paste electrode decorated with single wall nanotubes as voltammetric sensor for determination of antioxidant α-lipoic acid

Petković, Branka • Stanković, Dalibor • Ognjanović, Miloš • Viktorovich Avdin, Vyacheslav • Radović, Magdalena • Manojlović, Dragan • Vranješ Đurić, Sanja

The novel carbon material modified with Co3O4 particles, prepared by calcination and mixed with single wall carbon nanotubes, was characterized and used for sensing of prominent antioxidant α- lipoic acid (LA). The new material was prepared by thermolysis of Novolac phenol-formaldehyde resin and cobalt(III) nitrate mixed with graphite powder, producing mostly glassy carbon decorated with cobalt oxide. XRD and SEM measurements were used to study composition, structure and morphology of cobalt oxi ...

Statistics of simultaneous Rice, Nakagami-m and α−μ fadings after SC combining

Vasić, Nikola • Stefanović, Dušan • Rančić, Dejan • Milić, Dejan • Đošić, Danijel

This paper presents initial results of a research towards statistical description of diversity-combined wireless signals that propagate over different environments. This kind of situation is encountered when receiver has multiple input antennas which are positioned in such a way that the fading environment cannot be considered uniform for all propagating paths of signals. We consider a three-input selection combining (SC) combiner with three different fading statistics on each of them, and deriv ...

The second mean value theorem for complex line integral

Vujaković, Jelena • Panić, Stefan • Kontrec, Nataša

In real iterations, several types of mean value theorems for definite integrals are used. In complex domain, we cannot specifically formulate the mean value theorem of a particular complex line integral (L) ∫f(z)dz , since we are unable to give an appropriate geometric interpretation of the integral over the surface below a curve L (from z0 to z1 ). Based on the mean value theorems for a complex line integral in [Vujakovic J., The mean value theorem of line complex integral and Sturm functio ...

Complex homogeneous differential equation of first and second order through iterations

Vujaković, Jelena • Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan

The theory of complex differential equations represents an important mathematical discipline both from the theoretical point of view and from numerous applications. Its development was equally encouraged by mathematicians, physicists and engineers. By using the series-iterations method we have explained how the obtained results could be applied to the complex linear homogeneous first order and canonical complex linear second order differential equations. We have also formulated some conclusi ...

Zero search method for complex oscillating equation directly by direction

Vujaković, Jelena • Kontrec • Panić, Stefan

The problem of location of the zero solution of the second order complex oscillator equation for the given analytic function is unlikely to be completely solved. Therefore, estimates have long been resorted to. The easiest case is if the zeros are aligned at the same direction, which is rare. Since there are no other zeros between the two directions, we will assume that there are many zeros on practically every direction in the sector

Number of zero solutions of some canonical complex differential equations of second order with variable coefficient

Vujaković, Jelena • Jovanović, Tanja • Kontrec, Nataša

By solving the frequency function equation only a small number of complex equations of the second order oscillations can be solved. The simplest way is to observe canonical complex differential equations with constant coefficient. In this paper we give an overview of eight cases of complex differential equations in which the coefficient is a polynomial or a variable coefficient

Analysis of ecological territorial risk by methods of multidimensional statistics

Taseiko, Olga • Milošević, Hranislav • Vujaković, Jelena • Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan

В работе рассмотрены водные экосистемы как элементы единой социально природно-техногенной системы, предлагаемой для решения задач управления развитием промышленных территорий. Для оценки территориальных рисков водных экосистем отдельных регионов СФО предложен метод, сочетающий иерархический кластерный анализ и вероятностные оценки реализации негативных воздействий.

Some recent fixed point results of F-contractive mappings in metric space

Vujaković, Jelena • Paunović, Ljiljana • Taseiko, Olga

The opinion is that the most important result in the metrical theory of fixed points is the famous Banach contraction principle from 1922. It has been generalized and extended in several directions. One of the most interesting extensions was provided by Wardowski in 2012. He described a new contraction, so–called F-contraction and proved that every F-contraction has a unique fixed point, where F:(0,+infinity)->(0,+infinity) satisfies conditions (F1 ), (F2 ) and (F3). Several authors general ...

Research of UV radiation intensity in relation with outdoor measurement conditions

Kevkić, Tijana • Vučković, Biljana • Gulan, Ljiljana • Drljača, Branko

This paper oresents the results if measurements of ultraviolet radiation in Kuršumlija - Blace on July 15th 2018, and in Kruševac - Trstenik on July 16th 2018.

Education in step with modern radon research

Gulan, Ljiljana • Vučković, Biljana • Kevkić, Tijana • Drljača, Branko

Sistemska merenja koncentracije radona senajčešće izvode na slučajnim uzorcima stambenih objekata.

Application of software packages for demonstration of physics experiments

Drljača, Branko • Đokić, Boban • Šiljić, Ivan • Kevkić, Tijana • Gulan, Ljiljana

Veliki broj osnovnih i srednjih škola u Republici Srbiji nije adekvatno opremeljen za izvođenje nastave fizike. Tu se pre svega misli na nedovoljnu opremljenost kabineta za nastavu fizike, kojima često nedostaje oprema za izvođenje nastave fizike.

Commercial software packages in relation to standard methods of teaching physics in primary education in rural areas of Serbia

Drljača, Branko • Đokić, Boban • Spasić, Dušica

Na osnovu pregleda najsavremeniji nastavni proces fizike u osnovnim školama svake godine postaje izazovniji. Glavno pitanje je kako pronaći prikladna sredstva za približavanje fizike učenicima. Na fizici primarnog nivoa je često teško objasniti fizičke procese zbog relativno visokog nivoa zamišljenosti. Škole smeštene u gradovima uglavnom su opremljene nastavnim alatima koji se mogu koristiti u nastavi fizike. S druge strane, škole u seoskim oblastima Srbije slabo su ili nisu opremljene nastavni ...

Софтверски пакет као интерактивни алат у настави физике

Đokić, Boban • Milentijević, Miljana • Drljača, Branko

Развој савремених технологија утиче на промену живота људи све већом брзином. Напредак технологије омогућава примену великог броја мултимедијалних уређаја помоћу којих се ученицима могу приближити и поједноставити појаве које је тешко дочарати помоћу стандардних метода предавања табла, креда и презентација. У овом раду је кроз неколико примера из физике, у оквиру једне наставне теме, предложено могуће решење за извођење наставе у школама које немају адекватно опремљене кабинете за наста ...

Optical light beam propagation control trought the defect in one-dimensionalphotonic lattice

Jovanović, Slavica • Todorović, Dragana • Stojanović-Krasić, Marija • Kevkić, Tijana • Milojević, Nenad • Drljača, Branko

Photonic lattices represent are periodic structures, suitable for investigation of wave propagation and localization. Within these systems, different phenomenon such as discrete difraction, lattice solitons, Anderson localization and defects localizations can be analyzed. The lattice periodicity in one or more dimensions leads to the zonal structure in terms of existing permitted and forbidden zones which can allow or stop light beam propagation. Manipulation with the zonal structure can ...

A study of pv system application on the sustainable development in Serbia, XIV Conference of Chemists

Todorović, Dragana • Jovanović, Slavica • Kevkić, Tijana • Stojanović Krasić, Marija • Milojević, Nenad • Drljača, Branko

Climate change is one of the most significant environmental problems and is affecting the entire global population. Renewable sources of energy (RES) are vital to deal with this problem. Solar energy, especially photovoltaic (PV) technologies, is one of the most promising renewable energy sources and is, therefore, one of the fastest-growing industries in this field. Thus, this paper focuses on the performance analyses of rooftop on-grid PV system in real climatic conditions in Niš (Se ...

Modeling of power flow in multimode W-type photonic crystal fibers

Drljača, Branko • Savović, Svetislav • Kovačević, Milan S. • Simović, Ana • Kuzmanović, Ljubica • Djordjevich, Alexandar • Yussupova, Gulbakhar

In this paper recent advances in application of power flow equation to Wtype photonic crystal fibers (PCF) is presented. As known for many years power flow equation has been proven to be best solution when transmission characteristics of multimode optical fibers are to be modeled. Transmission properties of multimode optical fibers depend strongly upon modal dispersion, mode-dependent attenuation and the rate of mode coupling. Throughout years different simulation models have been develo ...

Small deformations, variations and energies of curves

Najdanović, Marija

Contrary to isometries as transformations that preserve distances, in- finitesimal bending is a type of small deformation in which the arc length is invariant with appropriate precision. The influence that given deforma- tions have on geometric quantities is measured by variations. In this talk we discuss the infinitesimal bending of curves and variations of their energies. In particular, we consider spherical curves and an infinitesimal bending field that leaves a given curve on a sphere ...

Knot Energy

Velimirović, Ljubica • Najdanović, Marija • Rančić, Svetozar

We discuss infinitesimal bending of curves and knots in R3. A brief overview of the results on the infinitesimal bending of curves is outlined. Change of the Willmore energy, as well as of the total curvature, total torsion and total normalcy under infinitesimal bending of knots is considered. Our visualization tool devoted to visual representation of infinitesimal bending of knots is used to present the deformation.

Antimicrobial activity of new mixed azines of coumarins and heteroaryl aldehydes

Ristić, Milenko • Dekić, Biljana • Radulović, Niko • Stojanović-Radić, Zorica • Dekić, Vidoslav • Aksić, Marija • Janićević, Suzana

The azine functional group is a part of numerous compounds exhibiting a range of pharmacological activities. As part of our continuous search for new pharmacologically active compounds, we designed, synthesized, and spectrally characterized a series of mixed azines containing coumarin and another heterocyclic moiety. Antimicrobial activity of the synthesized compounds was evaluated by a microdilution assay against five different microorganisms, namely Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus ...

Antioxidant activity and acute toxicity of new unsymmetrical azines containing coumarin and one more heterocyclic moieties

Ristić, Milenko • Radulović, Niko • Dekić, Biljana • Ristić, Novica • Dekić, Vidoslav

During our previous work, we prepared a series of mixed azines with a coumarin moiety and different benzaldehydes, and tested their acute toxicity and antioxidant activity. Since heterocyclic compounds possess a broad range of biological activities, in the continuation of our work, we designed, synthesized and fully spectrally characterized a series of new mixed azines starting from 3-acetyl-4-hydroxycoumarin and different heteroaromatic aldehydes. The synthesized compounds were evaluated f ...

New natural products from the epicuticular wax of Dianthus cruentus Griseb. (Caryophyllaceae)

Radulović, Niko • Ristić, Milenko • Mladenović, Marko • Ristić, Novica • Dekić, Vidoslav • Dekić, Biljana • Ranđelović, Vladimir

Detailed GC and GC-MS analysis of a diethyl ether washings of fresh flowers of Dianthus cruentus Griseb. (Caryophyllaceae) enabled the identification of 153 constituents. The major identified compounds were long-chain n-alkanes - pentacosane (5.0 %), heptacosane (19.5 %) and nonacosane (6.5 %). Detailed analyses, in combination with synthesis and chemical transformations (transesterification and synthesis of dimethyl disulfide adducts), led to the identification of a homologous series of n-, iso ...

Radon concentration in dwellings in the mining area of “Trepča” complex.

Mitrovic, Marija • Lempic, Aleksandra • Gulan, Ljiljana

This paper presents the results of radon concentration in ground floor dwellings in the vicinity of the "Trepča" mine. Earlier studies on radon in the area of Kosovska Mitrovica have shown that there are dwellings with high values of this radioactive gas, which can be related to technological activities that can change the concentrations of natural radioactive materials in the environment. According to the World Health Organization, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. ...

Ash radioactivity level and ambient dose equivalent rate in the vicinity of the TPP „Kosovo B“ Obilić.

Gulan, Ljiljana • Jovanović, Stanimirka • Mitrović, Marija • Stajić, Jelena M.

In this paper, the specific activities of radionuclides in ash and ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation in the air in the vicinity of the thermal power plant (TPP) "Kosovo B", Obilić were measured. Five samples for determination the activity of radionuclides in the ash by gamma spectrometric method were taken from the ash dump of the TPP "Kosovo B". The specific activities of the radionuclide 226Ra in the ash are in the range of 9.5 ± 0.6 Bq/kg - 22.4 ± 0.8 Bq/kg. The specific activit ...

Analiza visoke koncentracije radona u jednoj kući u rudarskom području kompleksa „Trepča“

Gulan, Ljiljana • Forkapić, Sofija • Spasić, Dušica • Živković Radovanović, Jelena • Vučković, Biljana • Hansman, Jan • Lakatoš, Robert

Visoke koncentracije radona zabeležene su u jednoj kući u naselju Rudare u blizini rudarskog kompleksa “Trepča”. Ugljeni kanisteri izlagani po 48 sati u julu, novembru i decembru 2019 pokazali su vrednosti koncentracije radona: 16273±162, 962±17, 144±7 Bq/m3, respektivno. Istovremeno sa ugljenim kanisterima koncentracija radona merena je aktivnom metodom (RAD7 uređajem) u novembru (u ciklusu 11x1h), i vrednosti su opadale od 2764±212 do 1449±104 Bq/m3. Specifične aktivnosti radionuklida 22 ...

Visoke koncentracije radona u porodičnoj kući u okolini Kosovske Mitrovice

Spasić, Dušica • Gulan, Ljiljana

U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati merenja koncentracije radona u jednoj porodičnoj kući u blizini Kosovske Mitrovice u periodu od 24.03.2020 – 31.05.2020. Interval merenja je obuhvatio period proglašenja vanredne situacije izazvane pandemijom COVID-19. Merenje koncentracije radona izvršeno je sa dva aktivna detektora radona (Airthings Corentium Home) postavljena u dnevnoj i spavaćoj sobi kuće starosti preko 30 godina. Vrednosti koncentracija radona očitavane dnevno su se kretale u opsegu ...

Procena zdravstvenog rizika izloženosti radonu iz vode u opštini Novo Brdo

Vučković, Biljana • Đokić, Boban • Todorović, Nataša • Nikolov, Jovana • Gulan, Ljiljana

Postojanje radona u vodi za pić e dovodi do unutrašnje izloženosti, direktno (kroz procese radioaktivnog raspadanja, ingestije i inhalacije) i indirektno (kada se kombinuju kao deo lanca ishrane). Merenje zastupljenosti radona u vodi za piće pomaže da se proceni rizik od izloženosti zračenju prilikom svakodnevne potrošnje vode. U ovom radu koncentracija aktivnosti radona u vodi sa alternativnih izvora snabdevanja na teritoriji opštine Novo Brdo merena je alfa spektrometrijskom metodom RA ...

Jačina ambijentalnog doznog eкvivalenta i кorelacija sa meteorološкim parametrima u gradu Valjevu i oкolini

Gulan, Ljiljana • Leković, Milovan • Spasić, Dušica • Vučković, Biljana

Ради процене стања радиоактивности у животној средини, спроведена су мерења јачине амбијенталног дозног еквивалента у ваздуху на територији града Ваљева и околине. Истраживање је спроведено Гајгер-Милеровим бројачем модел FS2011, у јуну 2021 на 40 локација. Мерења су вршена на земљи и на висини од 1 m у урбаном, руралном и индустријском подручју. Током мерења забележени су параметри температуре, влажности ваздуха и атмосферског притиска на локацијама. Истражена је корелација између мерења ...

High indoor radon concentration in residential houses. Ninth International Conference on radiation and applications in various fields of research, RAD9, Virtual Conference, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, July 14-18

Spasić, Dušica • Gulan, Ljiljana

People are mainly exposed to radon in indoor environments. Exposure to radon and its decay products is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and there is a strong synergistic effect with smoking. The most significant source of indoor radon is usually the soil around building; radon penetrates into houses directly from the soil through fractures and cracks. In some cases the source of higher radon could be household water from drilled wells or exhalation from building materials. In the Europea ...

Indoor Radon monitoring as a useful predictor of earthquake occurrences in the Balkan region

Gulan, Ljiljana • Spasić, Dušica • Drobac, Boris • Bačević, Nikola

This study deals with continuous radon monitoring conducted to estimate the relationship between indoor radon measurements and potential occurrences of earthquake in the Balkan region. Radon monitoring was performed with the detector Airthings Corentium Home placed in the basement office of faculty building in Kosovska Mitrovica (N 42.897°, E 20.867°) in winter period of the 2020/21 (four months in continuity). According to the European Seismic Hazard Map this region is classified as moderate ha ...

Annual effective dose due to ingestion and inhalation of radon in water samples from public fountains in municipality of Kuršumlija, Serbia

Vučković, Biljana • Todorović, Nataša • Nikolov, Jovana • Gulan, Ljiljana

In the present study, the water samples were taken from public fountains in rural area municipality of Kuršumlija, in southern part of Serbia. Sampling of water from public fountains began subsequently according to establishment role and analyzed by alpha spectrometric method using the system (RAD7 RAD H2O) (DURRANGE Co.). Values of radon concentration in water ranged from 4.4 Bq l-1 to 22.4 Bq l-1, with mean value of 13.8 Bq l-1. As can be seen, the radon concentrations in water samples from t ...

Relationship between outdoor radon concentrations and meteorological parameters

Gulan, Ljiljana • Spasić, Dušica • Živković Radovanović, Jelena • Drobac, Boris

In order to establish radon levels in outdoor atmosphere radon measurements were performed during the fifteen days by alpha spectrometric measuring method with detector Airthings Corentium Home. Measuring point was at 0.5 m height. Since meteorological conditions can have a significant impact on radon measurements, parameters such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed were also noted by SENCOR SWS 9700. The results of short term outdoor radon concentration were read out daily and v ...

Radon anomalies as precursors of a recent earthquake: A case study of Kosovska Mitrovica environment

Gulan, Ljiljana • Forkapić, Sofija • Spasić, Dušica • Živković Radovanović, Jelena • Vučković, Biljana

Spike-like peaks in the concentration of radon gas prior to a major earthquake are attributed to release different gases (CO2, CH4, H2S, SO2, H2 suitable for the transport of radon to the earth’s surface) due to pre-seismic stress or fracturing of the rock. Passive radon technique based on charcoal canister test kit conducted in the environment of Kosovska Mitrovica in summer and autumn period showed inexplicable results. Since radon levels are sensitive to short-term fluctuations, an active tec ...

The influence of montmorillonite activating method on the hydrolytic stability of urea-formaldehyde resin

Kostić, Marija • Čanaćević, Milena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Marković, Gordana • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

Montmorillonite clays are of great importance for processes such as adsorption and catalysis and polymer composites fabrication . The textural properties of this filler can be modified to increase their application. In this work the hydrolytic stability of composites based on urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) and eco-friendly montmorillonite (KSF) as formaldehyde scavenger was investigated. KSF was activated by sulfuric acid (H2S04) with and without mechanical mixing .The degree activation was det ...

Uticaj razlicitih doza y-zračenja na hidrolitičku stabilnost modifikovanih urea-formaldehidnih (UF) smola

Jovanović, Vojislav • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jevtić, Sonja • Petković, Branka • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

Zbog emisije formaldehida (CH2O) iz drvenih proizvoda, gde se urea- formaldehidne (UF) smole, izmedu ostalog, koriste za impregnaciju drvenih panela koje se koriste u unutrašnjosti stambenih i drugih objekata pozeljno je da procenat slobodnog formaldehida (CH2O) u samoj smoli bude sto manji, jer je poznato da formaldehid ima štetno dejstvo na čoveka, odnosno ceo živi svet. Pare formaldehida jako nadražuju disajne puteve. Koncentracije od 10-20 ppm otežavaju disanje, a koncentracije od 650 p ...

Strukturiranje elastomernih materijala za primenu u poljoprivredi

Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava • Jovanović, Slaviša • Marković, Gordana • Aleksić, Vojislav • Jovanović, Vojislav • Tanasić, Jelena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana

Poljoprivreda i poljoprivredna industrija zahtevaju elastomeme proizvode koji mogu izdržati dugotrajnu izloženost ekstremnim naponima i hemikalijama. Elastomeri dobijeni od etilen-propilen-dienskog kaučuka (EPDM) nalaze široku primenu u poljoprivredi. Ovaj prekursor mreže je nepolaran i materijali na osnovu njega imaju izvanrednu otpomost na uticaj ozona, visoke temperature i polame medije i zbog toga manje podležu reakcijama oksidacije i termičke degradacije. Umreženi EPDM je pogodan za upotreb ...


Kojić, Dejan • Vukić, Nevena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Erceg, Tamara • Jovičić, Mirjana • Aleksić, Vojislav • Ristić, Ivan • Mićić, Vladan

Kod recikliranja otpadne gume neophodno je poznavati hemijski sastav otpadnog proizvoda, ukoliko će se on koristiti u recepturama za nove hibridne elastomerne materijale. Kompozitni elastomerni materijali dobijeni od praha otpadne gume imaju veoma raznovrsnu primenu (podovi na farmama, sportski stadioni, dobijanje pneumatika, u građevinarstvu kao materijali za zaštitu od vibracija itd). Cilj ovog rada je bio da se dobiju elastomerni kompoziti na osnovu reciklirane gume. Sintetisano je neko ...


Ristić, Mirjana • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Kostić, Marija • Jovanović, Tijana • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

The effect of different montmorillonites (KSF and K10) and their modifications (Na-KSF, Na-K10) on content of formaldehyde-FA (free and liberated) modified urea-formaldehyde (UF) composites was investigated. KSF and K10 were modified by sodium chloride (NaCl). A total of four samples were synthesized, with the designations UF/KSF, UF/Na-KSF, UF/K10, and UF/Na-K10, under the same conditions. The content of free FA was determined by the bisulfite method. The hydrolytic stability of modified UF res ...

A Sensitive Voltammetric Sensor for Caffeic Acid Made from Thermolised Modified UF Resins With Incorporated Fe(III) and Ti(IV) Oxide Particles

Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Ivanović, Aleksandra • Laban, Bojana • Veljović, Djordje • Stanković, Dalibor

Domestic high performance electrode material was prepared by thermolysis of in situ synthesized urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins modified with Fe(III) nitrate and Ti(IV) oxide in different combinations: iron salt and UF resins (SynFe/UF-TP), titan oxide and UF resins (SynTi/UF-TP) and both metal compounds together and UF resins (SynFe+Ti/UF-TP). For comparison, the thermolysis prepared materials produced by simple physical mixture of metal compounds and UF resins (Fe/UF-TP, Ti/UF-TP and Fe+Ti/UF-TP ...

Cross-linked bio/inorganically modified urea-formaldehyde resins: influence of γ-radiation on formaldehyde content

Ristić, Mirjana • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Jovanović, Tijana • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

The effect of γ–irradiation on hydrolytic stability of nano-silica, nano-titania, and wood flour (WF) modified urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins was investigated. Modified UF resin with wood flour (Pinus silvestris L.) as natural filler and modified UF resin with a mixture of SiO2/WF and TiO2/WF fillers were synthesized. A total of five samples were synthesized, with the designations UF/SiO2, UF/TiO2, UF/WF, UF/SiO2/WF, and UF/TiO2/WF, under the same conditions. The content of free formaldehyde (FA) ...

Applications of conductive polymers in modern technologies

Kostić, Marija • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Cakić, Suzana • Ristić, Ivan

Polymers are the subject of intensive research and development, not only in science but also in industry. In the last few years, many studies have been conducted on conjugated polymers, and this study of polymers has revealed their morphological characteristics and their unique electrochemical properties, which has attracted many researchers from different fields to use their versatility as a tool for technological progress. The intensive field of research is covered by the synthesis, characteri ...

Correlation between methods of activation of montmorilonite K10 and formaldehyde content in urea-formaldehyde composites

Ristić, Mirjana • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Jovanović, Tijana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

In this paper, the methods of activation of montmorillonite (MMT) K10 with the content of formaldehyde (FA) in urea-formaldehyde (UF) composites are compared. MMT K10 samples were activated in two ways: thermally(physical activation) and with sulfuric acid (chemical activation). In situ synthesis of UF composites with unmodified and activated K10 under the same conditions was performed. A total of three UF composites were synthesized: reference UF composite containing unmodified MMT UF/K10, UF c ...

Irradiation resistance of elastomeric composites based on NR/CSM blend and waste rubber powder

Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Jovanović, Vojislav • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Teofilović, Vesna • Marković, Marija • Pavličević, Jelena • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

Effect of waste rubber particles (WTR) size on elastomers based on natural rubber and chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber (NR/CSM= 50:50) was studied. Two types of WTR with different particle size (150–250 μm and 450–600μm) were used. The content of carbon black was constant but the content of WTR was varied from 0 to 40 phr. The compounds were prepared by two-roll mill. The crosslinked materials were obtained in hydraulic press. The irradiation of prepared composite materials was carried out u ...

The effect of UV-irradiation on the thermal stability of modified urea-formaldehyde resins with thermally activated montmorillonite

Jovanović, Vojislav • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Petković, Branka • Jovanović, Tijana • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Teofilović, Vesna

The montmorillonite as a 2:1 smectite type clay has two tetrahedral sheets of silica sandwiching the alumina octahedral sheet. The particles of this mineral are plate-shaped with the thickness of 0.96 nm and an average diameter about 1 μm. This type of clay (K10) is using to improve the characteristics of different materials in the fields of catalysis, food additives, polymers, sorbents, etc. In this study thermally activated montmorillonite (DK10) was used because the thermal treatment alters i ...

The influence of the type of activation of the montmorillonite of hydrolytic stability of the urea-formaldehide nanocomposite

Čanaćević, Milena • Kostić, Marija • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Marković, Gordana • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

In this work the hydrolytic stability of nano-composites based on urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) and montmorillonite (K10) as formaldehyde scavenger was investigated. K10 was activated by sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with and without mechanical mixing. The degree activation was determined using specific surface measurement (Sir's method) and the cation-exchange capacity (CEC) measurement. The hydrolytic stability of modified UF composites was determined by the mass losses estimation and via free formalde ...

The effect of UV irradiation on hydrolytic stability of urea-formaldehyde resins filled with thermally modified montmorillonite

Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Slaviša, Jovanović • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

The hydrolytic stability of organic-inorganic nano-composites prepared by a two-stage polymerization of urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) filled with thermally activated montmorillonite (MMT) has been assessed before and after UV irradiation. The physical modification of MMT powder (type K10 with surface area 220 – 270 m2/g) was carried out by thermal treatment. The activated samples were designated as TA-K10 and the inactivated as NA-K10. The two types of ureaformaldehyde–MMT composites (UF/TA-K10 ...

The influence of modification and the particle size of the montmorillonite on the hydrolytic stability of urea-formaldehyde composite

Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Petković, Branka • Jovanović, Tijana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

Urea–formaldehyde (UF) resin adhesive is a polymeric condensation product of formaldehyde with urea and is considered as one of the most important wood adhesives. In spite of some advantages such as lower cost, fast curing, good performance in the panel, water solubility and being colorless, UF resin adhesives also possess a critical disadvantage: formaldehyde (FA) emission from the panels. Exposure to FA may occur by breathing contaminated indoor air, tobacco smoke, or ambient urban air. Furthe ...

Determination of glass transition temperature and irradiation resistance of elastomeric materials based on chlorinated natural rubber

Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Kojić, Dejan • Marković, Gordana • Pavličević, Jelena • Aroguz, Ayse • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana

Synthetic rubbers have different surface structures but benefit from chlorination. In many cases their tensile strength and extensibility is lower than natural rubber and for that reason more easily mechanically damaged. Chlorination reduces the coefficient of surface friction and handling characteristics. Residual free sulfur bloom during long-term storage of elastomeric products can also be diminished. Chlorinated natural rubber (CNR) as network precursor for elastomeric materials finds applic ...

Effect of silica on the properties of elastomeric materials based on NR/BR/SBR ternary rubber blend

Jovanović, Slaviša • Jovanović, Vojislav • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Gligorić, Miladin • Vukić, Nevena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

The effects of pyrogeneous silica on the mechanical properties of elastomeric materials based on natural rubber (NR), polybutadiene rubber (PB) and styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) are reported. For sample preparations the content of network precursor was constant (25:25:50), but the content of filler was varied (0, 40, 60, 80, 100 phr). Curing behavior was assessed using oscillating disc rheometer. Results indicated that the minimum torque and maximum torque increase with increasing filler ...


Ristić, Mirjana • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Jovanović, Tijana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

U ovom radu je izvršeno poređenje načina aktiviranja montmorilonita (MMT) K10 sa sadržajem formaldehida (FA) u urea-formaldehidnim (UF) kompozitima. Uzorci MMT-a K10 su aktivirani na dva načina: termički i pomoću sumporne kiseline. Nakon aktiviranja MMT-a izvršena je in situ sinteza UF kompozita pod istim uslovima. Sintetisano je ukupno tri UF kompozita i to: referentni UF kompozit koji sadrži nemodifikovan MMT (UF/K10), UF kompozit koji sadrži termički aktiviran MMT (UF/K10) i UF kompozit koji ...

Domestic material made by calcification of modified UF resins with incorporated Fe-particles-a sensitive platform for electroanalytical quantification of gallic acid.

Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Laban, Bojana • Veljović, Djordje • Stanković, Dalibor

In this work, we present domestic high performance electrode material prepared by thermolysis of in situ synthesized urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins modified with Fe(III) nitrate. For comparison, material produced by thermolysis of physical mixture of synthesized UF resins and Fe(lll) salt was also prepared, and produced materials were electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry. The obtained results have shown that in situ synthesized Fe modified UF material (SynFe/UF-TP) prepared ...

The influence of the modification of the montmorillonite KSF and K10 on the hydrolytic stability of UF composites

Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Jovanović, Tijana • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

In this work, the hydrolytic stability of composites based on the urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) and montmorillonite-MMT (K1 0 and KSF) as a formaldehyde (FA) scavenger was investigated. K10 and KSF were activated by sodium chloride (NaCl) for the purpose of modified Na-MMT. The degree of activation was determined using specific surface measurement by Sir's method. Evaluation of MMT activation was performed by determining free and liberated FA after acid hydrolysis of synthesized crosslinked UF/MM ...

The vulcanization properties of hybrid elastomeric materials based on waste rubber powder

Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava • Kojić, Dejan • Marković, Gordana • Jovanović, Slaviša • Erceg, Tamara • Vukić, Nevena • Tanasić, Ljiljana • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana

Elastomeric materials have viscoelastic properties and can be designed for numerous applications, tires production, vibration isolation and damping. These properties can be tailored for a wide temperature range and in ozone-rich atmospheres. Processing capacity of a rubber compound can be predicted by their vulcanization properties. In goals of raising environmental demands rubber manufacturers are now focusing on the uses of recycled product. Re-use, recycle, pyrolysis and recovery are the comm ...

NR/CSM/Wood flour polymer composites in railway industry

Marković, Gordana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana

Wood flour composites can be optimized to obtain new materials for a part of the railroad infrastructure. Curing, mechanical and morphological characteristics of carbon blackand silica-filled natural ntbber (NR)/chlorosulphonated (CSM)/wood flour rubber blends were studied. Results indicate that the minimum torque and max:imum torque increase with increasing filler loading in the compounds, whereas scorch time shows a decreasing trend. The cure time of carbon black--filled NRICSM/wood .flour rub ...

Effect of silica on the properties of elastomeric materials based on NR/BR/SBR ternary rubber blend

Jovanović, Slaviša • Jovanović, Vojislav • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Vukić, Nevena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

The effects of pyrogeneous silica on the mechanical properties of elastomeric materials based on natural rubber (NR), polybutadiene rubber (PB) and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) are reported. For sample preparations the content of network precursor was constant (25:25:50), but the content of filler was varied (0, 40, 60, 80, 100 phr). Curing behavior was assessed using oscillating disc rheometer. Results indicated that the minimum torque and maximum torque increase with increasing filler loadin ...


Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Biljana • Tošić, Marina • Vujošević, Mirko

This paper presents an approach for solving the maximum reliability k-center location problem. We are modifying the well-known p-center problem in order to determine the location of the observed objects and maximize the reliability of supply system coverage. The problem is defined as a stochastic problem of multi-center location on a graph. As a solution, two new algorithms have been proposed. The first is modified Dijkstra’s algorithm for determination of the most reliable paths between nodes i ...

Neodrživost prakse urbanističkog planiranja u Srbiji – primer izmena i dopuna planova generalne regulacije.

Ristić, Dušan • Ivanović, Marko • Marjanović, Marjan • Milošević, Dušan • Miličević, Mario

Srbija nakon 2000. godine, urbzano prolazi kroz proces post-socijalističke transformacije. Ovaj proces prati transformacija socijalističke privrede, odlikovane snažnom regulatornom ulogom države, ka kapitalističkoj privredi, zasnovanoj na principima slobodnog tržišta. Promene političkog sistema i društvenog uređenja inicirale su promenu sistema planiranja. Društveni kontekst diktira prilagođavanje procesa planiranja i planskih dokumenata aktuelnom trenutku i učestalim društvenim promenama. Pomen ...

Pritisak na rečne obale i njihova transformacija usled izgradnje vikendica i sojenica: slučaj Savskog nasipa (Beograd).

Vagić, Nemanja • Ristić, Dušan

Na prostorima neposredno uz reke, zbog hidroloških, ekoloških i bezbednosnih razloga, kao i zakonskih odredbi, načela i principa planiranja, najčešće nije dozvoljena gradnja. Planska dokumenta ove prostore uglavnom definišu kao vodno, šumsko zemljište ili zelene površine. Međutim, rečne obale su zbog estetskih, pejzažnih i ambijentalnih vrednosti veoma atraktivni prostori za izgradnju. Stoga su izložene velikom pritisku i često su primeri neadekvatne, neplanske, bespravne gradnje i uzurpacije ja ...

Determinisanje promena u SRP “Gornje Podunavlje” (AP Vojvodina) primenom CORINE Land Cover (CLC) baze podataka (1990-2018)

Milentijević, Nikola • Ostojić, Miloš • Božović, Sanja • Stevanović, Vladica • Cimbaljević, Marija • Pantelić, Milana

Specijalni rezervat prirode (SRP) „Gornje Podunavlje“ je lociran u severozapadnoj Bačkoj, uz panonski sektor toka Dunava. U radu su predstavljene promene na osnovu CORINE Land Cover (CLC) baze podataka (1990-2018) za definisano područje istraživanja: a) promene vegetacionog pokrivača, b) prostorna distribucija promena i c) promene u načinu korišćenja zemljišta. Generalno, najintenzivnije promene su detektovane tokom devedesetih godina XX veka. U kvantitativnom i geoprostornom smislu, promene sa ...

Assessment of air temperature and precipitation trends: case study of Mačva (Serbia)

Milentijević, Nikola • Bačević, Nikola • Valjarević, Aleksandar • Radaković, Milica • Pantelić, Milana

Recent climate change causes significant natural and socio-economic consequences. Global climate changes are caused by natural processes and anthropogenic factor. They represent one of the major environmental problems of the late XX and early XXI century. Changes in temperature and precipitation play a significant role of understanding climate change issues. It includes numerous extreme climatic events such as heat waves, droughts, forest fires etc. Empirical studies show an increase in the aver ...

On a quarter-symmetric generalized metric connection in a generalized Riemannian manifold

Maksimović, Miroslav

In this talk, we will discuss the generalized Riemannian manifold and introduce a quarter-symmetric connection that preserves the generalized Riemannian metric. We will also observe a quarter-symmetric connection with a special condition and recurrent torsion tensor and examine the properties of linearly independent curvature tensors of generalized Riemannian manifold.


Ljajko, Eugen • Najdanović, Marija • Maksimović, Miroslav • Kontrec, Nataša

In geometry teaching, visualization is an indispensable method of work. Its importance is emphasized in the study of abstract theories when the human mind is not capable enough to perceive the regularities determined by complex mathematical formulas without adequate images illustrating the problem. This is also the case with the theory of infinitesimal bending, that has recently been explored and represented with the use of computers. Use of computers, as an indispensable didactic tool for moder ...

Analiza efekata primene GEOGEBRA-e na praćenje nastave geometrije

Maksimović, Miroslav • Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan • Petrović, Milena

Istraživanja su pokazala da uprkos brojnim prednostima primene savremenih tehnologija u nastavi matematike sam proces uvođenja istih u učionice je spor i dosta složen. Upravo iz tih razloga, ovaj rad istražuje mogućnosti uvođenja matematičkog softvera u nastavni proces i kakav bi to imalo uticaj na nastavu ali i razumevanje prezentovanog sadržaja od strane studenata. Zapravo, ovaj rad ispituje efekte koje bi uvođenje programskog paketa Geogebra imalo na nastavu geometrije na odseku za matematik ...


Maksimović, Miroslav • Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan

With the development of information technologies and educational software, there was a need for research and examination of how and in what way to use them in teaching, without losing the quality of existing traditional methods. One of the goals in this process of finding the most suitable model for the use of educational software in teaching is to motivate students to use them independently. For that reason, this paper explores the possibilities and ways of introducing GeoGebra mathematical sof ...