Najnoviji radovi

An Improved Modification of Accelerated Double Direction and Double Step-Size Optimization Schemes

Petrović, Milena J. • Valjarević, Dragana • Ilić, Dejan • Valjarević, Aleksandar • Mladenović, Julija

We propose an improved variant of the accelerated gradient optimization models for solving unconstrained minimization problems. Merging the positive features of either double direction, as well as double step size accelerated gradient models, we define an iterative method of a simpler form which is generally more effective. Performed convergence analysis shows that the defined iterative method is at least linearly convergent for uniformly convex and strictly convex functions. Numerical test resu ...

Radon concentration in dwellings in the mining area of “Trepča” complex.

Mitrovic, Marija • Lempic, Aleksandra • Gulan, Ljiljana

This paper presents the results of radon concentration in ground floor dwellings in the vicinity of the "Trepča" mine. Earlier studies on radon in the area of Kosovska Mitrovica have shown that there are dwellings with high values of this radioactive gas, which can be related to technological activities that can change the concentrations of natural radioactive materials in the environment. According to the World Health Organization, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. ...

Ash radioactivity level and ambient dose equivalent rate in the vicinity of the TPP „Kosovo B“ Obilić.

Gulan, Ljiljana • Jovanović, Stanimirka • Mitrović, Marija • Stajić, Jelena M.

In this paper, the specific activities of radionuclides in ash and ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation in the air in the vicinity of the thermal power plant (TPP) "Kosovo B", Obilić were measured. Five samples for determination the activity of radionuclides in the ash by gamma spectrometric method were taken from the ash dump of the TPP "Kosovo B". The specific activities of the radionuclide 226Ra in the ash are in the range of 9.5 ± 0.6 Bq/kg - 22.4 ± 0.8 Bq/kg. The specific activit ...

Analiza visoke koncentracije radona u jednoj kući u rudarskom području kompleksa „Trepča“

Gulan, Ljiljana • Forkapić, Sofija • Spasić, Dušica • Živković Radovanović, Jelena • Vučković, Biljana • Hansman, Jan • Lakatoš, Robert

Visoke koncentracije radona zabeležene su u jednoj kući u naselju Rudare u blizini rudarskog kompleksa “Trepča”. Ugljeni kanisteri izlagani po 48 sati u julu, novembru i decembru 2019 pokazali su vrednosti koncentracije radona: 16273±162, 962±17, 144±7 Bq/m3, respektivno. Istovremeno sa ugljenim kanisterima koncentracija radona merena je aktivnom metodom (RAD7 uređajem) u novembru (u ciklusu 11x1h), i vrednosti su opadale od 2764±212 do 1449±104 Bq/m3. Specifične aktivnosti radionuklida 22 ...

Visoke koncentracije radona u porodičnoj kući u okolini Kosovske Mitrovice

Spasić, Dušica • Gulan, Ljiljana

U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati merenja koncentracije radona u jednoj porodičnoj kući u blizini Kosovske Mitrovice u periodu od 24.03.2020 – 31.05.2020. Interval merenja je obuhvatio period proglašenja vanredne situacije izazvane pandemijom COVID-19. Merenje koncentracije radona izvršeno je sa dva aktivna detektora radona (Airthings Corentium Home) postavljena u dnevnoj i spavaćoj sobi kuće starosti preko 30 godina. Vrednosti koncentracija radona očitavane dnevno su se kretale u opsegu ...

Procena zdravstvenog rizika izloženosti radonu iz vode u opštini Novo Brdo

Vučković, Biljana • Đokić, Boban • Todorović, Nataša • Nikolov, Jovana • Gulan, Ljiljana

Postojanje radona u vodi za pić e dovodi do unutrašnje izloženosti, direktno (kroz procese radioaktivnog raspadanja, ingestije i inhalacije) i indirektno (kada se kombinuju kao deo lanca ishrane). Merenje zastupljenosti radona u vodi za piće pomaže da se proceni rizik od izloženosti zračenju prilikom svakodnevne potrošnje vode. U ovom radu koncentracija aktivnosti radona u vodi sa alternativnih izvora snabdevanja na teritoriji opštine Novo Brdo merena je alfa spektrometrijskom metodom RA ...

Jačina ambijentalnog doznog eкvivalenta i кorelacija sa meteorološкim parametrima u gradu Valjevu i oкolini

Gulan, Ljiljana • Leković, Milovan • Spasić, Dušica • Vučković, Biljana

Ради процене стања радиоактивности у животној средини, спроведена су мерења јачине амбијенталног дозног еквивалента у ваздуху на територији града Ваљева и околине. Истраживање је спроведено Гајгер-Милеровим бројачем модел FS2011, у јуну 2021 на 40 локација. Мерења су вршена на земљи и на висини од 1 m у урбаном, руралном и индустријском подручју. Током мерења забележени су параметри температуре, влажности ваздуха и атмосферског притиска на локацијама. Истражена је корелација између мерења ...

High indoor radon concentration in residential houses. Ninth International Conference on radiation and applications in various fields of research, RAD9, Virtual Conference, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, July 14-18

Spasić, Dušica • Gulan, Ljiljana

People are mainly exposed to radon in indoor environments. Exposure to radon and its decay products is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and there is a strong synergistic effect with smoking. The most significant source of indoor radon is usually the soil around building; radon penetrates into houses directly from the soil through fractures and cracks. In some cases the source of higher radon could be household water from drilled wells or exhalation from building materials. In the Europea ...

Indoor Radon monitoring as a useful predictor of earthquake occurrences in the Balkan region

Gulan, Ljiljana • Spasić, Dušica • Drobac, Boris • Bačević, Nikola

This study deals with continuous radon monitoring conducted to estimate the relationship between indoor radon measurements and potential occurrences of earthquake in the Balkan region. Radon monitoring was performed with the detector Airthings Corentium Home placed in the basement office of faculty building in Kosovska Mitrovica (N 42.897°, E 20.867°) in winter period of the 2020/21 (four months in continuity). According to the European Seismic Hazard Map this region is classified as moderate ha ...

Annual effective dose due to ingestion and inhalation of radon in water samples from public fountains in municipality of Kuršumlija, Serbia

Vučković, Biljana • Todorović, Nataša • Nikolov, Jovana • Gulan, Ljiljana

In the present study, the water samples were taken from public fountains in rural area municipality of Kuršumlija, in southern part of Serbia. Sampling of water from public fountains began subsequently according to establishment role and analyzed by alpha spectrometric method using the system (RAD7 RAD H2O) (DURRANGE Co.). Values of radon concentration in water ranged from 4.4 Bq l-1 to 22.4 Bq l-1, with mean value of 13.8 Bq l-1. As can be seen, the radon concentrations in water samples from t ...