Najnoviji radovi

Application of Electrochemically Synthesized Ferrates (VI) for the Removal of Th(IV) From Natural Water Samples

Мицић, Ружица

The efficiency of the application of electrochemically generated Na2FeO4, for the purpose of the elimination of Th(IV) ions from water samples as coagulating agent was investigated. Th is a radioactive element often used as a fuel for nuclear reactors. The continuous exposure to Th(IV) may cause cancer of the pancreas, bone or lung. Analyzed natural water samples spiked with Th(IV) were treated with solution of ferrates (VI) under recommended conditions of electrochemically synthesized ferrates ...

Identification of synthetic cannabinoid methyl 2-{[1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indol-3-yl] formamido}-3-methylbutanoate using modern mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques

Лукић, Вера

The samples of plant material suspected to contain new psychoactive substances are very often the subject of chemical-toxicological analyses. Gas chromatographymass spectrometry (MS), liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight-MS, and liquid chromatography-tandem MS were applied with the aimto identify synthetic cannabinoid, methyl 2-{[1-(cyclohexylmethyl)-1H-indol-3-yl] formamido}- 3-methylbutanoate (MMB-CHMICA) without the analytical standard, which is very often the case when a ...

Chemometrics based on the mineral content as a tool for the assessment of the pollution of top soils

Simonović, Strahinja

This is the first research of this type which includes the wider area of Kosovo taking into account the mineral wealth. The concentrations of 20 elements: Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Si, V, and Zn were determined using ICP-OES. The ranges of concentrations of toxic elements are lead (Pb) 0.044–14.98 g/kg, arsenic (As) 0.007–0.33 g/kg, cadmium (Cd) 0.004–0.044 g/kg, and chromium (Cr) 0.053–0.245 g/kg. The spatial distribution of toxic elements was described u ...

Overview of the major classes of new psychoactive substances, psychoactive effects, analytical determination and conformational analysis of selected illegal drugs

Лукић, Вера

The misuse of psychoactive substances is attracting a great deal of attention from the general public. An increase use of psychoactive substances is observed among young people who do not have enough awareness of the harmful effects of these substances. Easy access to illicit drugs at low cost and lack of effective means of routine screening for new psychoactive substances (NPS) have contributed to the rapid increase in their use. New research and evidence suggest that drug use can cause ...

Вредновање геоеколошких детерминанти Бачке у функцији одрживог развоја

Милентијевић, Никола

Докторска дисертација је настала из потребе синтезе физичкогеографских схватања о Бачкој, пошто се озбиљнији научни приступ у проучавању природних ресурса Бачке односи на истраживања још од седамдесетих година прошлог века. Предмет истраживања у докторској дисертацији се односи на геоеколошко вредновање природне основе Бачке и корелацију са концептом одрживог развоја. Са наведеног аспекта, у евалуацији природних вредности значајна је примена: а) модерних емпиријских модела, б) математичко-статис ...

Spatio-temporal variabilty of air temperatures in Central Serbia from 1949 to 2018

Бачевић, Никола • Милентијевић, Никола • Ваљаревић, Александар • Гицић, Ајша • Кићовић, Душан • Радаковић, Милица • Николић, Милена • Пантелић, Милана

The paper presents trends for three categories of variables: average annual, average maximum and average minimum air temperatures. Data was provided by the meteorological yearbooks of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia. The main goal of this paper is to detect possible temperature trends in Central Serbia. The trend equation, trend magnitude, and Mann-Kendall non-parametric test were used in the analysis of climate parameters. The used statistical methods were supplemented by GIS ...

Assessment of soil erosion rates using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and GIS in Bačka (Serbia)

Милентијевић, Никола • Остојић, Милош • Фекете, Рената • Калкан, Кристина • Ристић, Душан • Бачевић, Никола • Стевановић, Владица • Пантелић, Милана

Soil erosion assessment enables the identification of manifested soil erosion categories, their spatial distribution and the relationship between soil erosion and land use patterns. The integrated approach of the RUSLE method and GIS tools was used in estimating soil erosion rates in Bačka (Serbia). Previous research of soil erosion intensity in the study area was last performed 50 years ago. The spatial distribution of the calculated erosive factors shows the diversity of erosive conditions. Th ...

GIS and geographical analysis of the main harbors in the world

Ваљаревић, Александар • Радовановић, Драган • Шошкић, Светислав • Бачевић, Никола • Милентијевић, Никола • Голијанин, Јелена • Ивановић, Марко

This paper points out the possibilities of better exploitation of marine traffic as well as its connection with other kinds of traffic. Special attention is given to the analysis of 1,081 harbors about their availability during the year. The methods and algorithms used in GIS are buffers, cluster, method of interpolations, and network analysis. The methods used for the purpose of conducting numerical analyses are algorithms that served for the analysis of the network, its transport features, and ...

The assessment of aridity in Leskovac Basin, Serbia (1981-2010)

Милентијевић, Никола • Драгојловић, Јован • Ристић, Душан • Цимбаљевић, Марија • Демировић, Дуња • Ваљаревић, Александар

In the paper, the aridity is defined on the basis of four climate indices: De Martonne's index of aridity, Lang’s Rain Factor and Gračanin’s Rain factor for the vegetation period and hydrothermal coefficient of Seljaninov. While the annual value of the drought index (IDM) shows humid characteristics, the monthly values show the variability of the conditions. The summer months (July and August) are classified as semi-arid months, while the winter months (December- February) are extremely humid. T ...