Najnoviji radovi

Analysis of ecological territorial risk by methods of multidimensional statistics

Taseiko, Olga • Milošević, Hranislav • Vujaković, Jelena • Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan

В работе рассмотрены водные экосистемы как элементы единой социально природно-техногенной системы, предлагаемой для решения задач управления развитием промышленных территорий. Для оценки территориальных рисков водных экосистем отдельных регионов СФО предложен метод, сочетающий иерархический кластерный анализ и вероятностные оценки реализации негативных воздействий.

Some recent fixed point results of F-contractive mappings in metric space

Vujaković, Jelena • Paunović, Ljiljana • Taseiko, Olga

The opinion is that the most important result in the metrical theory of fixed points is the famous Banach contraction principle from 1922. It has been generalized and extended in several directions. One of the most interesting extensions was provided by Wardowski in 2012. He described a new contraction, so–called F-contraction and proved that every F-contraction has a unique fixed point, where F:(0,+infinity)->(0,+infinity) satisfies conditions (F1 ), (F2 ) and (F3). Several authors general ...

On some F−contraction of Piri-Kumam-Dung type mappings in metric spaces

Vujaković, Jelena • Radenović, Stojan

This paper establishes some new results of Piri–Kumam–Dung-type mappings in a complete metric space.Тhe goal was to improve the already published results. Methods: Using the property of a strictly increasing function as well as the known Lemma formulated in (Radenović et al, 2017), the authors have proved that a Picard sequence is a Cauchy sequence

Suzuki type fixed point results and applications in partially ordered Sb -metric spaces

Dedović, Nebojša • Kishore, Gajula Naveen Venkata • Ram Prasad, Daripally • Vujaković, Jelena

In this paper we give some applications to integral equations as well as homotopy theory via Suzuki type fixed point theorems in partially ordered complete Sb - metric space by using generalized contractive conditions. We also furnish an example which supports our main result.

C-class functions on some fixed point results in ordered partial metric spaces via admissible mappings

Ansari, Arslan Hojat • Došenović, Tatjana • Radenović, Stojan • Saleem, Naeem • Šešum-Čavić, Vesna • Vujaković, Jelena

In this paper, we generalized the results presented in the paper W. Long, S. Khaleghizadeh, P. Salimi, S. Radenović and S. Shukla, Some new fixed point results in partially ordered metric spaces via admissible mappings, Fixed Point Theory Appl. (2014), 2014:117, in the framework of partial metric spaces by using C−class function in ordered structure. Also, we provide an example to support our theoretical results and shows that obtained results are potential generalization of the already existing ...

Some remarks on TAC-contractive mappings in b-metric spaces

Mitrović D., Zoran • Radenović, Stojan • Vetro, Francesca • Vujaković, Jelena

In this paper we complement and improve fixed point results established on TAC-contractive mappings in the framework of b-metric spaces. Our analysis starts by a recent paper of Babu and Dula [G. V. R. Babu and T. M. Dula, Fixed points of generalized TAC-contractive mappings in b-metric spaces, Matematiˇcki Vesnik 69 (2017), no. 2, 75–88].

Research of UV radiation intensity in relation with outdoor measurement conditions

Kevkić, Tijana • Vučković, Biljana • Gulan, Ljiljana • Drljača, Branko

This paper oresents the results if measurements of ultraviolet radiation in Kuršumlija - Blace on July 15th 2018, and in Kruševac - Trstenik on July 16th 2018.

Education in step with modern radon research

Gulan, Ljiljana • Vučković, Biljana • Kevkić, Tijana • Drljača, Branko

Sistemska merenja koncentracije radona senajčešće izvode na slučajnim uzorcima stambenih objekata.

Application of software packages for demonstration of physics experiments

Drljača, Branko • Đokić, Boban • Šiljić, Ivan • Kevkić, Tijana • Gulan, Ljiljana

Veliki broj osnovnih i srednjih škola u Republici Srbiji nije adekvatno opremeljen za izvođenje nastave fizike. Tu se pre svega misli na nedovoljnu opremljenost kabineta za nastavu fizike, kojima često nedostaje oprema za izvođenje nastave fizike.

Commercial software packages in relation to standard methods of teaching physics in primary education in rural areas of Serbia

Drljača, Branko • Đokić, Boban • Spasić, Dušica

Na osnovu pregleda najsavremeniji nastavni proces fizike u osnovnim školama svake godine postaje izazovniji. Glavno pitanje je kako pronaći prikladna sredstva za približavanje fizike učenicima. Na fizici primarnog nivoa je često teško objasniti fizičke procese zbog relativno visokog nivoa zamišljenosti. Škole smeštene u gradovima uglavnom su opremljene nastavnim alatima koji se mogu koristiti u nastavi fizike. S druge strane, škole u seoskim oblastima Srbije slabo su ili nisu opremljene nastavni ...