Najnoviji radovi

Софтверски пакет као интерактивни алат у настави физике

Đokić, Boban • Milentijević, Miljana • Drljača, Branko

Развој савремених технологија утиче на промену живота људи све већом брзином. Напредак технологије омогућава примену великог броја мултимедијалних уређаја помоћу којих се ученицима могу приближити и поједноставити појаве које је тешко дочарати помоћу стандардних метода предавања табла, креда и презентација. У овом раду је кроз неколико примера из физике, у оквиру једне наставне теме, предложено могуће решење за извођење наставе у школама које немају адекватно опремљене кабинете за наста ...

Optical light beam propagation control trought the defect in one-dimensionalphotonic lattice

Jovanović, Slavica • Todorović, Dragana • Stojanović-Krasić, Marija • Kevkić, Tijana • Milojević, Nenad • Drljača, Branko

Photonic lattices represent are periodic structures, suitable for investigation of wave propagation and localization. Within these systems, different phenomenon such as discrete difraction, lattice solitons, Anderson localization and defects localizations can be analyzed. The lattice periodicity in one or more dimensions leads to the zonal structure in terms of existing permitted and forbidden zones which can allow or stop light beam propagation. Manipulation with the zonal structure can ...

A study of pv system application on the sustainable development in Serbia, XIV Conference of Chemists

Todorović, Dragana • Jovanović, Slavica • Kevkić, Tijana • Stojanović Krasić, Marija • Milojević, Nenad • Drljača, Branko

Climate change is one of the most significant environmental problems and is affecting the entire global population. Renewable sources of energy (RES) are vital to deal with this problem. Solar energy, especially photovoltaic (PV) technologies, is one of the most promising renewable energy sources and is, therefore, one of the fastest-growing industries in this field. Thus, this paper focuses on the performance analyses of rooftop on-grid PV system in real climatic conditions in Niš (Se ...

Modeling of power flow in multimode W-type photonic crystal fibers

Drljača, Branko • Savović, Svetislav • Kovačević, Milan S. • Simović, Ana • Kuzmanović, Ljubica • Djordjevich, Alexandar • Yussupova, Gulbakhar

In this paper recent advances in application of power flow equation to Wtype photonic crystal fibers (PCF) is presented. As known for many years power flow equation has been proven to be best solution when transmission characteristics of multimode optical fibers are to be modeled. Transmission properties of multimode optical fibers depend strongly upon modal dispersion, mode-dependent attenuation and the rate of mode coupling. Throughout years different simulation models have been develo ...

Radon levels and indoor air quality after application of thermal retrofit measures - a case study

Gulan, Ljiljana • Stajic, Jelena M. • Spasić, Dušica • Forkapić, Sofija

This study was conducted toevaluate the influence of thermal retrofit on radon levels in workrooms,and to determine whetherthe radon concentrationin the building changes after the application of retrofit measures.In thefirst survey, digital radon detector Airthings Corentium Homewas usedfor one month radon measurementsduring heating season 2018/19.The dailyaveraged radon concentrationsvaried from 37-573 Bq/m3for ten selectedworkrooms, while hourly averaged radon measurements showed extreme varia ...

Identification of high radon dwellings, risk of exposure, and geogenic potential in the mining area of the “TREPČA” complex

Ljiljana, Gulan • Forkapić, Sofija • Spasić, Dušica • Radovanović Živković, Jelena • Hasman, Jan • Lakatoš, Robert • Samardžić, Selena

This study was performed to investigate radon levels in dwellings in the mining area near the town of Kosovska Mitrovica. The Passive radon technique based on the charcoal canister test kit conducted in summer and autumn 2019 showed unexpected results. The reference level of 300 Bq/m3 for indoor radon concentration was exceeded in 15 of 26 dwellings. Preliminary measurements of gamma dose rate in some dwellings built from local stone showed values from 0.30 to 0.45 μSv/h, while 75% of measure ...

Plant uptake and soil retention of radionuclides and metals in vineyard environments

Gulan, Ljiljana • Stajic, Jelena M. • Milenkovic, Biljana • Zeremski, Tijana • Milic, Stanko • Krstic, Dragana

In most European countries, each adult citizen drinks on averagemore than 20 L of wine every year. Three popular wine-growing areas (Aleksandrovac, Topola, and Orahovac) in Serbia were studied in order to investigate the abundance and uptake of elements from vineyard soil to plants. The specific activities of radionuclides (226Ra, 232Th, 40K, 137Cs, and 7Be) were measured in soil, leaves, and grape berries. 226Ra and 232Th were positively correlated with silt and clay and negatively correlated w ...

Mosses as bioindicators of radionuclide and metal pollution in northern Kosovo and Metohija mountain region

Gulan, Ljiljana • Jakšić, Tatjana • Milenkovic, Biljana • Stajic, Jelena M. • Vasić, Predrag • Simić, Zoran

The study investigates mosses (Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw.) as bioindicators of pollution in three non-urban mountain areas of northern Kosovo and Metohija regions. Concentrations of radionuclides and metals were measured in moss and soil samples. 137Cs specific activities in soil were strongly correlated with organic matter content. 137Cs in mosses was significantly higher in coniferous than in deciduous forests. 7Be measured in moss samples was increasing with altitude. Concentrations of Ni, C ...

Spa environments in central Serbia: Geothermal potential, radioactivity, heavy metals and PAHs

Gulan, Ljiljana • Penjišević, Ivana • Stajic, Jelena M. • Milenković, Biljana • Zeremski, Tijana • Stevanović, Vladica • Valjarević, Aleksandar

This study aims to estimate geothermal potential, radioactivity levels, and environmental pollution of sixmost popular spas in Central Serbia (Ovcar, Gornja Trepca, Vrnjacka, Mataruska, Bogutovacka and Sokobanja), as well as to evaluate potential exposure and health risks for living and visiting population. Thermal possibilities of the studied spas showed medium and low geothermal potential with totalthermal power of 0.025MW. Gamma dose rates in air varied from 63 to 178 nSv h-1. Specific activi ...

Effective doses estimated from the results of Direct Radon and Thoron Progeny Sensors (DRPS/DTPS), exposed in selected regions of Balkans

Yarmoshenko • Žunić, Zora S. • Mishra, Rosaline • Čeliković, Igor • Stojanovska, Zdenka • Yarmoshenko, Ilia V. • Malinovsky, Georgy • Veselinović, Nenad • Gulan, Ljiljana • Ćurguz, Zoran • Vaupotič, Janja • Ujic, Predrag • Kolarž, Predrag • Milić, Gordana • Kovacs, Tibor • Sapra, Balvindar K. • Kavasi, Norbert • Sahoo, Sarata K.

The main contribution to population exposure is due to radon and thoron progenies and not radon itself. The aim of this study was therefore to estimate annual effective dose using the results of Direct Radon and Thoron Progeny Sensors were exposed in 69 selected schools and 319 dwellings in several regions of Balkans: in Serbia: regions of Sokobanja and Kosovo and Metohija, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Srpska and Slovenia. Obtained average total effective doses are in the range from 0.22 m ...