Najnoviji radovi

Correlation between methods of activation of montmorilonite K10 and formaldehyde content in urea-formaldehyde composites

Ristić, Mirjana • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Jovanović, Tijana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

In this paper, the methods of activation of montmorillonite (MMT) K10 with the content of formaldehyde (FA) in urea-formaldehyde (UF) composites are compared. MMT K10 samples were activated in two ways: thermally(physical activation) and with sulfuric acid (chemical activation). In situ synthesis of UF composites with unmodified and activated K10 under the same conditions was performed. A total of three UF composites were synthesized: reference UF composite containing unmodified MMT UF/K10, UF c ...

Irradiation resistance of elastomeric composites based on NR/CSM blend and waste rubber powder

Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Jovanović, Vojislav • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Teofilović, Vesna • Marković, Marija • Pavličević, Jelena • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

Effect of waste rubber particles (WTR) size on elastomers based on natural rubber and chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber (NR/CSM= 50:50) was studied. Two types of WTR with different particle size (150–250 μm and 450–600μm) were used. The content of carbon black was constant but the content of WTR was varied from 0 to 40 phr. The compounds were prepared by two-roll mill. The crosslinked materials were obtained in hydraulic press. The irradiation of prepared composite materials was carried out u ...

The effect of UV-irradiation on the thermal stability of modified urea-formaldehyde resins with thermally activated montmorillonite

Jovanović, Vojislav • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Petković, Branka • Jovanović, Tijana • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Teofilović, Vesna

The montmorillonite as a 2:1 smectite type clay has two tetrahedral sheets of silica sandwiching the alumina octahedral sheet. The particles of this mineral are plate-shaped with the thickness of 0.96 nm and an average diameter about 1 μm. This type of clay (K10) is using to improve the characteristics of different materials in the fields of catalysis, food additives, polymers, sorbents, etc. In this study thermally activated montmorillonite (DK10) was used because the thermal treatment alters i ...

The influence of the type of activation of the montmorillonite of hydrolytic stability of the urea-formaldehide nanocomposite

Čanaćević, Milena • Kostić, Marija • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Marković, Gordana • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

In this work the hydrolytic stability of nano-composites based on urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) and montmorillonite (K10) as formaldehyde scavenger was investigated. K10 was activated by sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with and without mechanical mixing. The degree activation was determined using specific surface measurement (Sir's method) and the cation-exchange capacity (CEC) measurement. The hydrolytic stability of modified UF composites was determined by the mass losses estimation and via free formalde ...

The effect of UV irradiation on hydrolytic stability of urea-formaldehyde resins filled with thermally modified montmorillonite

Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Slaviša, Jovanović • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

The hydrolytic stability of organic-inorganic nano-composites prepared by a two-stage polymerization of urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) filled with thermally activated montmorillonite (MMT) has been assessed before and after UV irradiation. The physical modification of MMT powder (type K10 with surface area 220 – 270 m2/g) was carried out by thermal treatment. The activated samples were designated as TA-K10 and the inactivated as NA-K10. The two types of ureaformaldehyde–MMT composites (UF/TA-K10 ...

The influence of modification and the particle size of the montmorillonite on the hydrolytic stability of urea-formaldehyde composite

Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Petković, Branka • Jovanović, Tijana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

Urea–formaldehyde (UF) resin adhesive is a polymeric condensation product of formaldehyde with urea and is considered as one of the most important wood adhesives. In spite of some advantages such as lower cost, fast curing, good performance in the panel, water solubility and being colorless, UF resin adhesives also possess a critical disadvantage: formaldehyde (FA) emission from the panels. Exposure to FA may occur by breathing contaminated indoor air, tobacco smoke, or ambient urban air. Furthe ...

Determination of glass transition temperature and irradiation resistance of elastomeric materials based on chlorinated natural rubber

Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Kojić, Dejan • Marković, Gordana • Pavličević, Jelena • Aroguz, Ayse • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana

Synthetic rubbers have different surface structures but benefit from chlorination. In many cases their tensile strength and extensibility is lower than natural rubber and for that reason more easily mechanically damaged. Chlorination reduces the coefficient of surface friction and handling characteristics. Residual free sulfur bloom during long-term storage of elastomeric products can also be diminished. Chlorinated natural rubber (CNR) as network precursor for elastomeric materials finds applic ...

Effect of silica on the properties of elastomeric materials based on NR/BR/SBR ternary rubber blend

Jovanović, Slaviša • Jovanović, Vojislav • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Gligorić, Miladin • Vukić, Nevena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

The effects of pyrogeneous silica on the mechanical properties of elastomeric materials based on natural rubber (NR), polybutadiene rubber (PB) and styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) are reported. For sample preparations the content of network precursor was constant (25:25:50), but the content of filler was varied (0, 40, 60, 80, 100 phr). Curing behavior was assessed using oscillating disc rheometer. Results indicated that the minimum torque and maximum torque increase with increasing filler ...


Ristić, Mirjana • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Jovanović, Tijana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

U ovom radu je izvršeno poređenje načina aktiviranja montmorilonita (MMT) K10 sa sadržajem formaldehida (FA) u urea-formaldehidnim (UF) kompozitima. Uzorci MMT-a K10 su aktivirani na dva načina: termički i pomoću sumporne kiseline. Nakon aktiviranja MMT-a izvršena je in situ sinteza UF kompozita pod istim uslovima. Sintetisano je ukupno tri UF kompozita i to: referentni UF kompozit koji sadrži nemodifikovan MMT (UF/K10), UF kompozit koji sadrži termički aktiviran MMT (UF/K10) i UF kompozit koji ...

Domestic material made by calcification of modified UF resins with incorporated Fe-particles-a sensitive platform for electroanalytical quantification of gallic acid.

Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Laban, Bojana • Veljović, Djordje • Stanković, Dalibor

In this work, we present domestic high performance electrode material prepared by thermolysis of in situ synthesized urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins modified with Fe(III) nitrate. For comparison, material produced by thermolysis of physical mixture of synthesized UF resins and Fe(lll) salt was also prepared, and produced materials were electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry. The obtained results have shown that in situ synthesized Fe modified UF material (SynFe/UF-TP) prepared ...