Najnoviji radovi

The influence of the modification of the montmorillonite KSF and K10 on the hydrolytic stability of UF composites

Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Petković, Branka • Kostić, Marija • Jovanović, Tijana • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena

In this work, the hydrolytic stability of composites based on the urea-formaldehyde resin (UF) and montmorillonite-MMT (K1 0 and KSF) as a formaldehyde (FA) scavenger was investigated. K10 and KSF were activated by sodium chloride (NaCl) for the purpose of modified Na-MMT. The degree of activation was determined using specific surface measurement by Sir's method. Evaluation of MMT activation was performed by determining free and liberated FA after acid hydrolysis of synthesized crosslinked UF/MM ...

The vulcanization properties of hybrid elastomeric materials based on waste rubber powder

Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava • Kojić, Dejan • Marković, Gordana • Jovanović, Slaviša • Erceg, Tamara • Vukić, Nevena • Tanasić, Ljiljana • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana

Elastomeric materials have viscoelastic properties and can be designed for numerous applications, tires production, vibration isolation and damping. These properties can be tailored for a wide temperature range and in ozone-rich atmospheres. Processing capacity of a rubber compound can be predicted by their vulcanization properties. In goals of raising environmental demands rubber manufacturers are now focusing on the uses of recycled product. Re-use, recycle, pyrolysis and recovery are the comm ...

NR/CSM/Wood flour polymer composites in railway industry

Marković, Gordana • Jovanović, Vojislav • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana

Wood flour composites can be optimized to obtain new materials for a part of the railroad infrastructure. Curing, mechanical and morphological characteristics of carbon blackand silica-filled natural ntbber (NR)/chlorosulphonated (CSM)/wood flour rubber blends were studied. Results indicate that the minimum torque and max:imum torque increase with increasing filler loading in the compounds, whereas scorch time shows a decreasing trend. The cure time of carbon black--filled NRICSM/wood .flour rub ...

Effect of silica on the properties of elastomeric materials based on NR/BR/SBR ternary rubber blend

Jovanović, Slaviša • Jovanović, Vojislav • Marković, Gordana • Marinović-Cincović, Milena • Vukić, Nevena • Samaržija-Jovanović, Suzana • Budinski-Simendić, Jaroslava

The effects of pyrogeneous silica on the mechanical properties of elastomeric materials based on natural rubber (NR), polybutadiene rubber (PB) and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) are reported. For sample preparations the content of network precursor was constant (25:25:50), but the content of filler was varied (0, 40, 60, 80, 100 phr). Curing behavior was assessed using oscillating disc rheometer. Results indicated that the minimum torque and maximum torque increase with increasing filler loadin ...

Mathematical Approach for System Repair Rate Analysis Used in Maintenance Decision Making

Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan • Panić, Biljana • Marković, Aleksandar • Stošović, Dejan

Reliability, the number of spare parts and repair time have a great impact on system availability. In this paper, we observed a repairable system comprised of several components. The aim was to determine the repair rate by emphasizing its stochastic nature. A model for the statistical analysis of the component repair rate in function of the desired level of availability is presented. Furthermore, based on the presented model, the approach for the calculation of probability density functions of m ...


Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Biljana • Tošić, Marina • Vujošević, Mirko

This paper presents an approach for solving the maximum reliability k-center location problem. We are modifying the well-known p-center problem in order to determine the location of the observed objects and maximize the reliability of supply system coverage. The problem is defined as a stochastic problem of multi-center location on a graph. As a solution, two new algorithms have been proposed. The first is modified Dijkstra’s algorithm for determination of the most reliable paths between nodes i ...

A stochastic model for estimation of repair rate for system operating under performance based logistics

Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan • Petrović, Milena • Milošević, Hranislav

Performance Based Logistics (PBL) concept has an aim to improve the system availability and it has been extensively researched in the recent years. These researches showed that inventory level does not impact system availability as much as component reliability and repair time in repairable system operating under PBL contract. Based on that, in this paper, we propose a new stochastic model for determination of annual repair rate for critical aircraft components in such system in order to achieve ...

Neodrživost prakse urbanističkog planiranja u Srbiji – primer izmena i dopuna planova generalne regulacije.

Ristić, Dušan • Ivanović, Marko • Marjanović, Marjan • Milošević, Dušan • Miličević, Mario

Srbija nakon 2000. godine, urbzano prolazi kroz proces post-socijalističke transformacije. Ovaj proces prati transformacija socijalističke privrede, odlikovane snažnom regulatornom ulogom države, ka kapitalističkoj privredi, zasnovanoj na principima slobodnog tržišta. Promene političkog sistema i društvenog uređenja inicirale su promenu sistema planiranja. Društveni kontekst diktira prilagođavanje procesa planiranja i planskih dokumenata aktuelnom trenutku i učestalim društvenim promenama. Pomen ...

Pritisak na rečne obale i njihova transformacija usled izgradnje vikendica i sojenica: slučaj Savskog nasipa (Beograd).

Vagić, Nemanja • Ristić, Dušan

Na prostorima neposredno uz reke, zbog hidroloških, ekoloških i bezbednosnih razloga, kao i zakonskih odredbi, načela i principa planiranja, najčešće nije dozvoljena gradnja. Planska dokumenta ove prostore uglavnom definišu kao vodno, šumsko zemljište ili zelene površine. Međutim, rečne obale su zbog estetskih, pejzažnih i ambijentalnih vrednosti veoma atraktivni prostori za izgradnju. Stoga su izložene velikom pritisku i često su primeri neadekvatne, neplanske, bespravne gradnje i uzurpacije ja ...

Mathematical Modeling of Integral Characteristics of Repair Process under Maintenance Contracts

Kontrec, Nataša • Vujaković, Jelena • Tošić, Marina • Panić, Stefan • Panić, Biljana

The repair rate is a very important parameter for system maintainability and can be defined as a frequency of successfully performed repair actions on a failed component per unit of time. This paper analyzes the integral characteristics of a stochastic repair rate for corresponding values of availability in a system operating under maintenance contracts. The probability density function (PDF) of the repair rate has been studied extensively and it was concluded that it is not a symmetric function ...