Najnoviji radovi

Figurative numbers contribution in perceiving the legality in numerous strings tasks and log-term memory of numerous data

Mihajlov Carević, Miroslava • Petrović, Milena • Denić, Nebojša

Contemporary mathematics teaching is mostly reduced to the application of algebraic formulas and algebraic procedures. The visual-logical approach in solving mathematical tasks is very little represented in teaching mathematics. Such practice should be changed since visualization is of great importance in the process of learning and understanding mathematics as well as in solving mathematical tasks. This paper suggests the possibility of developing students’ ability to perceive lawfulness a ...

Raspodela ambijentalnog doznog ekvivalenta gama zračenja u ruralnim sredinama

Vučković, Biljana • Gulan, Ljiljana • Kevkić, Tijana • Živković Radovanović, Jelena

Prirodno pozadinsko zračenje koje se registuje u normalnim uslovima potiče od kosmičkog zračenjai prirodnih radionuklida, a zavisi od geologije tla i nadmorske visine mernog mesta, pa je karakteristično za neki prostor. Ono što definiše jačinu zračenja je vrednost ambijentalnog doznog ekvivalenta gama zračenja. Rezultati predstavljeni u ovom radu jedna su od eksperimentalnih vežbi u okviru predmeta Dozimetrija i zaštita od zračenja na odseku za fiziku Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta. Istraživanj ...

Nanospectroscopy of thiacyanine dye molecules adsorbed on silvernanoparticle clusters

Ralević, Uroš • Isić, Goran • Vasić-Anićijević, Dragana • Laban, Bojana • Bogdanović, Una • Lazović, Vladimir • Vodnik, Vesna • Gajić, Radoš

The adsorption of thiacyanine dye molecules on citrate-stabilized silver nanoparticle clusters drop-cast onto freshly cleaved mica or highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surfaces is examined using colocalized surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The incidence of dye Raman sig-natures in photoluminescence hotspots identified around nanoparticle clusters is considered for both citrate- and borate- capped silver nanoparticles and found to be substantially lower in the for ...

Green synthesis and characterization of nontoxic L-methionine capped silver and gold nanoparticles

Laban, Bojana • Ralević, Uroš • Petrović, Suzana • Leskovac, Andreja • Vasić-Anićijević, Dragana • Marković, Mirjana • Vasić, Vesna

The simple green method for synthesis of stable L-Methionine (L-Met) capped silver (Ag@LM NPs) and gold (Au@LM NPs) nanoparticles (NPs) without adding any additional reduction agent or stabilizer was developed. Colloidal dispersions were characterized by UV–Vis spectrophotometry. The size and spherical shape of NPs were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy. Their surface covering was confirmed by atomic force microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering ...

Security and Standardization at E-learning platforms

Zlatković, Dragan • Denić, Nebojša • Ilić, Miloš • Petrović, Milena

The process of developing e-learning is based on standards in the field of information security (ISO) and learning technologies (IEEE, IMS), and criteria for quality assurance have been taken as input parameters. The overall development was carried out through the PDCA cycle and with upgraded LTSA architecture.

“Soft Protein Corona” as the Stabilizer of the Methionine-Coated Silver Nanoparticles in the Physiological Environment: Insights into the Mechanism of the Interaction

Bondžić, Aleksandra • Jovanović, Dunja • Arsenijević, Nevena • Laban, Bojana • Lazarević-Pašti, Tamara • Klekota, Urszula • Bondžić, Bojan

The study of the interactions between nanoparticles (NPs) and proteins has had a pivotal role in facilitating the understanding of biological effects and safe application of NPs after exposure to the physiological environment. Herein, for the first time, the interaction between L-methionine capped silver nanoparticles (AgMet), and bovine serum albumin (BSA) is investigated in order to predict the fate of AgMet after its contact with the most abundant blood transport protein. The detailed insigh ...

Solid-State Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic Application in Methylene Blue Reduction

Veljović, Đorđe • Gurešić, Dejan • Jokić, Anja • Vasić, Vesna • Laban, Bojana

The silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) were successfully synthesized by a facile solid-state chemical method. Ag NPs were obtained by a mechanochemical reaction between silver nitrate and sodium citrate, with the constant stirring and heating of reactants. The size and morphology characterization of NPs powder was performed by scanning electron microscopy. The obtained NPs were spherical with a 36 nm average particle size diameter. UV-Vis spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, and zeta potential mea ...

Flexibility of curves on a single-sheet hyperboloid

Maksimović, Miroslav

Hyperbolic towers are towers in the shape of a single-sheet hyperboloid, and they are interesting in architecture. In this paper, we deal with the infinitesimal bending of a curve on a hyperboloid of one sheet; that is, we study the flexibility of the net-like structures used to make a hyperbolic tower. Visualization of infinitesimal bending has been carried out using Mathematica, and some examples are presented and discussed.

Einstein type curvature tensors and Einstein type tensors of generalized Riemannian space in the Eisenhart sense

Maksimović, Miroslav • Zlatanović, Milan

By using decomposition of curvature tensors of generalized Riemannian space in the Eisenhart sense, the Einstein type curvature tensors and Einstein type tensors of that space are determined and defined. All these tensors vanish if the corresponding Ricci tensors also vanish in the observed space. All these tensors are traceless tensors and their properties of symmetry and anti-symmetry were examined. We proved that the Einstein type curvature tensors of the second kind, of the fourth kind and o ...

Computing support for testing equal values of the figurative numbers in the Pascal triangle

Mihajlov Carević, Miroslava • Ilić, Miloš • Petrović, Milena • Denić, Nebojša

In this paper we deal with a method for the determination of numbers in a Pascal triangle that are simultaneously triangular, tetrahedral and pentaedroidni. The collected results, obtained by mathematical analysis, were verified by computer. For this purpose, we used the C# programming language as well as the computer laboratory within our University in order to test the results. The results collected by computer confirmed the accuracy of the results obtained by mathematical analysis.