Najnoviji radovi

Comparative performance analysis of some accelerated and hybrid accelerated gradient models

Petrović, Milena • Ivanović, Milica • Đorđević, Marijana

We analyze a performance profile of several accelerated and hybrid accelerated methods. All comparative methods are at least linearly convergent and have satisfied numerical characteristics regarding tested metrics: number of iterations, CPU time and number of function evaluations. Among the chosen set of methods we numerically show which one is the most efficient and the most effective. Therewith, we derived a conclusion about what type of method is more preferable to use considering analyz ...

Hybridization of accelerated gradient descent method

Petrović, Milena • Rakočević, Vladimir • Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan • Ilić, Dejan

We present a gradient descent algorithm with a line search procedure for solving unconstrained optimization problems which is defined as a result of applying Picard-Mann hybrid iterative process on accelerated gradient descent S M method described in Stanimirović and Miladinović (Numer. Algor. 54, 503–520, 2010). Using merged features of both analyzed models, we show that new accelerated gradient descent model converges linearly and faster then the starting S M method which is confirmed trough d ...

Elemental concentrations and soil-to-moss transfer factors of radionuclides in the environment of North Kosovo and Metohija

Gulan, Ljiljana • Jakšić, Tatjana • Milenković, Biljana • Stajić, Jelena

This paper deals with investigations of elemental concentrations and soil-to-moss transfer factors of radionuclides in area of municipalities Kosovska Mitrovica and Zubin Potok. Twelve samples of soil and moss Hypnum cupressiforme Hedw. were collected during May 2018. Transfer factors of radionuclides: 226Ra, 232Th, 40Kand 137Cs were calculated with regard to elemental concentrations of radionuclides in soil and moss samples. Analysis was done in order to indicate the different ways of adopting ...

System Maintenance Decision Making Based on Repair Rate Statistics

Kontrec, Nataša • Panić, Stefan • Petrović, Milena

This paper presents a novel approach for estimation of repair rate in an observed system comprised of two or more components. The presented approach is based on calculation of probability density function of maximal and minimal system’s repair time by observing the repair rates of its components. Based on the obtained information it can be concluded in which time interval the repair or replacement should be completed in order to achieve the desired level of availability. The model can be further ...

A GIS-based method for analysis of a better utilization of thermal-mineral springs in the municipality of Kursumlija (Serbia)

Valjarević, Aleksandar • Srećković-Batoćanin, Danica • Valjarević, Dragana • Matović, Vesna

There are about 240 geothermal occurrences with 60 commercial spas included in, which are spread throughout the territory of Serbia. The majority of springs and other surface manifestations are located along the south-eastern edge of the country. Three spas Lukovska, Prolom and Kursumlijska are with the highest geothermal potential and balneology utilization. They are situated in the vicinity of Kursumlija, one of the largest municipalities in Serbia, but with poor economic development. Although ...

Green synthesis of L-Methionine capped silver and gold nanoparticles

Sejdinović, Dijana • Laban, Bojana • Marković, Mirjana • Ralević, Uroš • Badnjević, Almir • Omanović Miklićanin, Enisa • Jokić, Anja • Vasić, Vesna

In this work, we present a simple green method for Ag and Au nanoparticles (NPs) synthesis in an aqueous medium. Ag and Au NPs were synthesized by chemical reduction method, using amino acid L-Methionine as reducing as well as a stabilizing agent. The size of Ag and Au NPs was controlled by changing the pH values of the reaction mixture. They were characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, and measurement of electrophoretic properties. The size of NPs was determined by atomic force ...

Synthesis and characterization of quercetin-conjugated gold nanoparticles

Momić, Tatjana • Lazarević-Pašti, Tamara • Laban, Bojana • Marković, Mirjana • Vasić, Vesna

Gold nanoparticles and quercetin-conjugated gold nanoparticles complex were synthesized using trisodium citrate as reducing agent. Both kinds of nanoparticles were characterized using spectrophotometry, dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements. Comparison of the results confirmed successful synthesis of quercetin-conjugated gold nanoparticles complex.

Interaction between gold nanoparticles and selected antitumor gold complexes

Bondžić, Aleksandra • Vujačić Nikezić, Ana • Kalska, Beata • Klekota, Urszula • Laban, Bojana • Vodnik, Vesna • Vasić, Vesna

The paper presents the results of study of interaction between citrate capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and some antitumor gold complexes with pyridine ligands (AubipyC, AubipyOH and AupyOAc), in order to elucidate the possibility for their tracking in physiological fluids using NPs. The surface plasmon absorption band of AuNPs at 524 nm decreased in the presence of selected complexes, while the new broad band appeared at ~ 640 nm, which showed the increase in intensity with time upon the addit ...

Adsorpcija boje indocijanin zeleno na površini nanocestica srebra i zlata

Laban, Bojana • Vujačić Nikezić, Ana

U poslednje vreme intenzivno se ispituju nanočestice metala za primenu u medicini kao nosači lekova i drugih biološki važnih molekula, koji bi poboljšali stabilnost leka i terapeutsku efikasnost. U ovom radu je ispitana adsorpcija fluorescentne boje indocijanin zeleno (ICG) na površini nanočestica srebra i zlata. Nanočestice srebra i zlata dobijene su zelenom sintezom u prisustvu aminokiseline L-metionina kao redukcionog i stabilizacionog sredstva. Dobijene su nanočestice sfernog oblika, negativ ...

Power Flow in Graded-Index Plastic Optical Fibers

Savović, Svetislav • Simović, Ana • Drljača, Branko • Djordjevich, Alexandar • Stepniak, Grzegorz • Bunge, Christian Alexander • Bajić, Jovan

A method is proposed for predicting the evolution of the power distribution along graded-index plastic optical fibers. This method is verified against our recently reported measurements. The strong influence of mode coupling on the power distribution is demonstrated on a specific graded-index plastic fiber to illustrate the influence of mode coupling in applications, such as data transmission, power delivery, and sensing systems.